Florida Governor Rick Scott signs gun-safety bill into law, following Parkland School shooting.


New member
And this is how it starts.....

"March 9 (Reuters) - Florida Governor Rick Scott on Friday signed into law a bill from the legislature that raises the legal age for buying rifles, imposes a three-day waiting period on all gun sales and allows the arming of some school employees.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act is named after the school in Parkland, Florida, at which a gunman with a semiautomatic assault-style rifle killed 17 students and faculty on Feb. 14.

"Today should serve as an example to the entire country that government can and must move fast," Scott, a Republican, said in remarks before the signing, surrounded by survivors from the shooting and their families. He said the bill was a compromise balancing concerns of both gun-control and gun-rights advocates."


New member
I’m a 62 year old native Floridian. I used to love living in Florida. I had been out of state for 20 years with work and was very excited to move back I 2011 and live on the Intracoastal. I was soon disappointed. The state had been ruined by greed and uncontrolled growth It was also over legislated, so many laws, fees, taxes and rules life was miserable. I moved away to Georgia last August. This kind of legal non-sense and BS is why I moved. Sadly I’ll never move back to my childhood home. Alas ....


New member
The story even went on to say he was not supportive of the arming teachers portion but passed it anyway???


New member
That's the same road Colorado has gone down Minorcan. I am anxiously biding my time to get out of this state.


New member
Yet still, everyone thinks gun control won’t happen...
Seems like the pace has picked up around the country.


Maybe a Floridian can clarify this, ... but apparently if you have a valid Fla. CCW permit, the new law's 3-day waiting-period provision doesn't apply to you (?).


New member
The likelihood of unseating the incumbent US Senator with a pro Second Amendment candidate like Rick Scott seems pretty much like a moot point.
In the big scheme of things, a milquetoasty sellout in the Senate is still better than the alternative; because it means pro-RKBA Senate leadership. He could even be an anti.

At the same time, when you reward behavior, you get more of it. Floridans face a tough choice in deciding what path is best for them.


New member
As a former Floridian, the 3 day waiting didn't apply with the sale of a handgun if your have your CCW. But most dealers didn't know the law. Anybody's guess what happens now. Not surprise Scott signed bill into law. Florida has changed over the years. Now the challenges will begin.


New member
Anyone have a link to the bill, Im sure I can go hunt it down just lazy.
Curious how they worded the bump stock provision.

The age increase is worse then it seems at first glance.. this could have a serious effect on 18-20 year olds that want a gun, any gun, for home defense, maybe they just got their first apartment.. living alone, what ever.

I see the NRA filed a lawsuit about the age increase, Im no fan of the NRA right now but I give them credit for taking action here.

Nothing they passed in that bill will make the situation any better.
Apparently the arming of teachers is optional from the blurb I heard on TV It might end up being one of those things where 90% of the schools do not take advantage of it..

And then there will be a shooting at one of those schools that ignored it.. and it won't even be a talking point.. anyone who says "Told ya so" for not arming teachers.. Will be shouted down as they push for another round of "fixes".


New member
Maybe a Floridian can clarify this, ... but apparently if you have a valid Fla. CCW permit, the new law's 3-day waiting-period provision doesn't apply to you (?).
That is correct. Old law was no wait on long guns and 3 day wait on handguns. They basically extended the long gun wait to 3 to match handgun, and carry permit holders are still exempt from any waiting period.


New member
No grandfathering for the bump stocks which means any Floridian that has one is now an outlaw...
I think they specified a future date, I think I read October? Giving bumpstock owners a grace period to remove and sell (or bury in the backyard in a sealed tube) their bumpstocks. No enforcement until then.


New member
Read here

- No one under 21 (rifle purchase by police or servicemember exempted)
- 3-day wait (CCW, and hunter-safety course grads for long guns exempted)
- 132 hours training, a CCW, range testing, periodic weapon/storage inspection & a psych exam for teachers to carry (the process is a nightmare)
- Bump stocks(et al) prohibited under any conditions.

And a whole lotta other stuff.... I couldn't find anything about effective date.
Others take a look and tell me what I've missed/where I've erred.

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New member
Thanks for the link gonna try reading it later tonight, damn look at the size of the text!

The teacher training does sound pretty steep.. more then I would think would be necessary really, I wonder if the teachers are gonna get pay bonus for putting in that kinda time.. doubtful.

Is the state gonna pay for it? 132 hours of training can't be cheap.

I'll be very interested in the coming year(s) to see how the no grand father bump stock situation pans out.

"Man found with automatic bump stock assault rifle, New's @ 11"

T. O'Heir

New member
The Bill was a compromise that pretty much does nothing. Just like any other legislation based solution.
Arming teachers is a colossally stupid idea too.
"...thinks gun control won’t happen..." It started in 1934 with FDR's NFA. The ATF was founded in 1968 and its unelected civil servants have been making law by regulation ever since. All those ATF required forms are defacto registration too.