FL CCW Supporters, A Call to Arms.


New member
Hello, all.

A few years ago, I naively tried to get the age to acquire a concealed firearms license in FL from 21 to 18. It didn't work. You probably don't even know who I am. I tried getting the NRA to help, no help. I tried getting Unified Sportsman of Florida to help. Nada. Marion Hammer wasn't even interested in lifting a finger to help.

Even Gun Owners of America, who was my biggest supporter in my effort, didn't have the funds or the ability to fight in my state due to a lack of state organization here that is as rabidly pro-gun as they are.

So I gave up. I didn't realize that the 21 age limit is just "one of those things you can't change, ever". Sorta like Massachusetts or Maryland ever passing shall-issue CCW in our lifetimes...not.

Well, there were also some stuff in there that was possible, including removing some locations from the subsection of "prohibited places of carry". Other states, such as Virginia, Georgia, Kentucky, and Utah (Utah especially. Those guys are hardcore) have been removing restrictions from their licensees for the last few years.

However, where has Florida been? Stagnant. We scored one major victory in 1987 when we got the license law in the first place, we've gotten reducing of fees, an extension of the term of the license, but that's it.

Florida was the state that started it all, the movement to liberalize concealed carry laws across this country. The anti-gunners are so desperate to stop this wave that they've filed suit in NM, and have attempted to overturn it in MI.

However, I'm at a loss for words about Florida. I've lived here for 13 years. While other states are continually liberalizing their concealed firearms laws, Florida is continuing to stagnate.

Florida gun owners for the last 15 years have proven the naysayers wrong. Yet, they aren't shown any courtesy by reducing the places they are prohibited from carrying. It's like "Okay, you've shown yourself trustworthy, we just won't repeal the law and make you go back to the old ways of permitting".

It's been 15 years, and it's been too long. This is a Call to Arms for all FL gun owners who are sick and tired of being prohibited from certain places because of compromises made to make the law pass. No CCW holder in FL has unlawfully killed or inflicted injury to anyone in the schools, colleges, or universities. No CCW commited a crime using a weapon in a police station, or a courthouse, or a sporting event.

FL CCW holders have proven themselves to be more lawful than the rest of the general population.

What I'm proposing is a bill, called the "Concealed Weapons and Firearms License Reform Act". Now, it's not introduced legislation, but it is a bill that I've crafted with a meticulous eye on how a bill is introduced in the Florida Legislature. I've done everything possible to make it up to "state standard" when it comes to bill drafting. I'm not a professional, but I tried my best.

Here's a link:


We have a strong case. There is strong conservative majorities in both houses of the Legislature, along with Jeb Bush. There is no way it'll be introduced this year because the session has probably already started, but the 2003 session is a good starting point. It'll be after the elections of 2002 are done (no way is Janet Reno gonna be governor), and politicians are more willing to take on so called "risky issues". The problem was that I didn't have the internet back in 1998, and I wasn't even aware of the Firing Line Forums. Now that I am, I am hoping that fellow freedom fighters in Florida can help get something similar to this passed.

Please help me, and in the same way, help yourselves. :)


New member
There's a lot of misconception about what the legal buying age in regards to handguns.

Federal law says you cannot buy a handgun or handgun ammo from a federally licensed firearms dealer until you are 21 years of age. A seperate fed law says that you cannot sell a handgun even privately to anyone under the age of 18.

Then of course, there is state law, and of course, where there is no state preemption, local law.

State laws in Florida say that the legal age to buy a handgun, rifle, or shotgun is 18, but FFL's will not sell you a handgun until you are 21 years of age. However, I can buy a handgun off of a friend at the age of 20, and that'll still be legal.

Unfortunately, cops sometimes will arrest you on the basis of federal law violation that doesn't really exist (at their own legal peril, mind you).

I don't know about Pennsylvania laws.


New member
Have you contacted your representatives and asked for a meeting? Have you supplied those listed with a copy of your amemdmant?

After a meeting that seems to go well, you could contact your list of supporters and have them all call to ask the status, that will make them think that there are many aware of your proposal and supporting it.

You should also provide a very short summary, followed by a short discussion of each point. This should all be short and to the point. These guys are all attorneys, but probably don't want to read the legal crap any more than you or I.

Good luck!


New member
Can't find a link to the carry bill at your site. :)

Are you doing it as a "fellow RKBA brothers in the south" kind of deal? :)