Fixed to adjustable sights on GP100?


New member
I have a fixed-sight DAO GP100 that I really like. It has a very nice trigger and shoots good groups. Only problems is, the groups are 2 1/2” to the right at 15 yds.

I opened up the left side of the sight notch and added a plastic shim on the right side. That moved the groups about 1” to the right, but that’s not enough. I want it to shoot where the sights point.

I can get a Ruger GP100 adjustable rear sight cheap from Brownell’s. The front sight is pinned, and different heights are available.
See where I’m going with this?

It looks like the fixed sight and adjustable sight GP100s have the same frame, except for the cuts needed to mount the adjustable sight. Does anyone know if that’s true?

If I can get the sight installed for a reasonable price, I’ll do it. I’m looking for someone who knows if it’s been done.


Cape Canaveral


New member
Has anyone else shot the gun and gotten the same results? I tend to shoot low and to the left, but that is when I am not concentrating on shooting well. It is not the gun.

Replacing the front sight on the Ruger is near impossible without a trip to the gunsmith.


New member
I'd call Ruger before doing anything. If they don't want to help I'd get a smith to turn the barrel and then check the cylinder gap.


New member
I called Ruger. They will only say they won’t do it. I couldn’t get a straight answer on whether it’s possible.

Yes, other shooters get the same results. The barrel is straight and square. Turning it would only give me a crooked front sight.

Front sights on this GP100 are child’s play to change. There’s just a pin holding it in. Some minor fitting might be needed, but no big deal. I’ve got several sights of different heights in my goodie bin.

I should have mentioned that I’ve been shooting handguns for over 40 years. I know what I’m doing. It’s not me, it’s the gun.

I know, I could sell it and get something else, but where’s the fun in that?



The frames are different.




  • fixed vs adjustable_close.jpg
    fixed vs adjustable_close.jpg
    25.1 KB · Views: 1,069


New member
Japle: Sorry, didn't mean to infer that you had not checked out all the usual things or reasons. When I first got my 3" GP100, I wanted to put the glow type front sight on it (like Smiths) as I had trouble seeing the front blade in low light even though they are a little fragile. I have since gotten used to it. Added some bright paint to the blade. I personally am afraid to pound out the pin as I know I would damage the pin or gun or both but it still would not correct for windage. The problem is the frame and lack of a rear sight. I'm no gunsmith. I spoke a bit stongly.


New member
JohnKSa, Those pics were just what I was looking for. Thanks!

invssgt, great article. Might be what I need. Thanks!
I started out shooting 125 gr bullets from this gun, but had to go to 158s to get the thing to shoot to the right elevation.
Now to whack on the barrel...........

Thanks again, guys.



New member
Using the example in invessgt's article, I got the barrel unscrewed (measuring at the ejector rod housing) by 0.004". That was enough. Now my GP100 shoots dead on!

Thanks again,



New member
Great! I'm glad it worked for you. Now just keep an eye on it and make sure it don't unscrew more, on its own. I'd make a 'witness mark' somewhere under the lug where it meets the frame, to fix a reference point.

I need to find me another one of these;)


New member
Got mine from CDNN. It's an older model with the skinny barrel. Seems to have been shipped overseas and re-imported by Century.

Funny that a DAO .357 would be a desireable piece, but somebody over there bought a bunch of them.

I made a call to Century after I got the gun, but they couldn't or wouldn't tell me the gun's history.
