Five tips for pocket carry


New member
Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article with more tips for CCW holders:

Five tips for CCW pocket carry

"One popular concealed carry option is pocket carry. Some concealed carry permit holders chose pocket carry as their primary carry mode while for others prefer to use it as an alternative for those times where they can’t carry a larger gun in a belt holster. Whatever the reason, here are some tips on how to effectively pocket carry a defensive handgun."

If you missed them, here are two of my previous articles with more CCW tips.

Advice to new concealed carry permit holders

Advice to new CCW holders: Part 2 - Carry like a pro


New member
...and tip 6:

CLEAN OFTEN! Pocket-carried guns accumulate filth really quickly, and their small size usually means that can cause unwanted jams.

and tip 6a:

Turn your pants pockets inside out before you toss 'em in the hamper - the lint won't build up nearly so readily in the pockets that way.


New member
Good stuff. I never thought about turning the carry pocket inside out while laundering.

#4, carrying in the weakside pocket is what has taken pocket carrying a backup gun from sometimes to always for me. Until I tried it, I never realized what perfect sense it makes. It didn't take long to get proficient with the weak hand, and actually forced me to practice that.


New member

Five tips