Fitting the UltiMak optics mount on the Saiga...


New member
Well, it's not pretty but I got it to work. Anyone could have done a prettier job than me. First I marked the handguard where I thought it needed to be cut to clear the Ultimak, took the dremel to it and cut away. As you can see in the top pic were the yellow is I had to cut it all the way back. I tried just cutting the rectangle out around the Ultimak but I couldn't get the handguard back on like that so I had to go all the way back. Also you see in the red I took too much off, so start little and work your way up (which I know better, just got excited wanted to get it on:eek:). The middle pic shows all that needs to be cut, there's really nothing to it (just don't screw up like I did and get in a hurry). Overall it took me about 20 minutes. I was gonna get an EOTech for this but I had an extra C-More laying around so I put it on and I'm kinda diggin it, might just keep it on there.

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