FirstFreedom, don't even bother opening this post


New member
My son is almost 10 months and his first word was dada, and he has had moma down for almost a month. Well, today he said his 3rd word. Wooger. He is having difficulty with the "R".

I told ya FF. You shouldn't have opened this post.


New member
Yep, obviously a young Ruger fan. May as well start collecting for his various birthdays now. You'd have to safety check them, of course!:p


New member
Well, it's easier to say than "Fmif an' Weffin", and a Ruger would be okay to cut teeth on....You know, 'till his sense taste starts to develope!

Just kiddin'. You must be quite proud.

When my daughter was 2 she knew all the lyrics to "Mack the Knife", not that that's related in any way.


New member
Gotta love that. The little guy already has er figured. Next thing you know he'll be goin on about how he needs a drop-in trigger for his M77MkII cuz its so flippin heavy he can carry the rifle around by the trigger and his toes are safe.


New member
Yeah, except for the fact it will already be swapped out for a Moyers and it will be in a #1RSI.

The old 77s had a user adjustable trigger and I really like the tang safty. The Mark II certainly was a step backwards for Ruger in at least the trigger and safty.