First Words!!!!


New member
Today was so cool in two ways. First off I got to go to the rifle range for the first time in a long time. And then when I got home my son said his first word and it was gun related. My friends and I got to my house and my girlfriend and son were at my house and so my friends and I were talking about our guns and my son was in his playpen trying to suck the bottom out of his bottle and we were saying "aught" a lot. Such as thirty aught six and double aught buckshot. Anyways, we got silent for a bit and all of a sudden my son blurted out "aught aught aught aught......." and kept repeating it. It was so cool and cute. Was funny because my girlfriend said "figures his first word would have to do with guns". She's not anti-gun, but she thinks I'm way too obsessed with guns.


New member

She's right, but as long as you keep a good hold on it... it's cool. The little known truth is this world is there a goodly number of folks that are 'obsessed' with guns...but don't do evil bad things with them.

You need to work on the little bugger and get him to say double auught.... next...