First time shooting without me.


New member
My son went shooting today with his friends. It was his first time shooting without me hanging around. He is 18 and his friends are just slightly older. It was sort of bittersweet but I am proud of him. I never shot much with my Dad but often tagged along with my older brothers when I was 9 or 10. I guess I was about 12 the first time I went shooting with cousins my age and no adults. How old were you guys the first time you left Dad, Grandpa etc... behind?


New member
I am 18 and went not long ago with a friend.

But we've only been shooting as a family for a year this month, so maybe it's different for us.


New member
Please remind him to be careful. Not to scare anyone, but I was on rotation in the ER (last year of pharmacy school) in Sept....saw an 18 year old boy come in with a .22lr GSW to the head.

It entered at a bad angle and went right behind the check bone into his brain. CT scan was horrible and he didn't make it.

I haven't view the .22lr the same since!! I love shooting, but it can be dangerous if you don't respect it.


New member
My son and his 2 friends were shooting ar15's. Note that I have known these young men and their families for a long time, and my son has been shooting for several years, killing his first deer 3 or 4 years ago. I gave them a brief but stern lecture before they left the house today. I was concerned but not deeply worried. All turned out well. My son was using my reloads and I was glad to hear they all performed well. Another milestone.


New member
Certainly be proud of him, and certainly worry a little. I think the reason most of us worry about our kids when they grow up enough to start doing "adult" stuff is we remember what we were like and what we did those first times we were "adults".


New member
With the quality of most state Hunter/Gun safety programs nowadays, I find most youth shooters are safer than many old farts, especially when it comes to muzzle control and clearing the firearm. Problem with most new shooters is unfamiliarity with the firearm.

8MM Mauser

New member
First time I went alone completely I was 23. First time without parents or guidance I was probably 18 or 19.

The above poster is right about hunters safety, I learned the correct handling of a firearm at age 12 and never forgot it!