First time I didn't believe my eyes


New member
Re First time I didn't believe my eyes, posted earlier:

The Blake article appeared in The Washington Post for 17 January, and tells the truth about this "assault rifles/assault weapons""foolishness, including naming names. "The article's title is Is it fair...

The link doesn't work as it should. It should take one to Mr. Blake's web page, wherein the referenced article can be found.

I give up.
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Alabama Shooter

New member
The light is coming on. It may be burning intermittently at ten watts but it is coming on.

I always think it neat when a gun control advocate realizes they have been fed lies on purpose to mislead them their whole life.
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New member
That is a great article printed in an otherwise very anti paper. After reading that article one can see maybe a glimmer of hope and reason in all this. Not suggesting that any of us give up the defense of our RKBA. But maybe little tiny wins like this can motivate us to keep spreading the word about how we (legal gun owners) are all law-abiding citizens and our firearms are not the problem.

Thanks for sharing. That article also cheered me up.
Good article, and it makes the point I keep trying to make: When we allow our opponents to control the language, we allow our opponents to control the debate.

One point the article overlooked is that Connecticut has an AWB in place. The shooter's mother purchased the Bushmaster legally, in Connecticut. Since she could not have purchased an "assault weapon" legally in Connecticut, by definition the weapon used at Sandy Hook was NOT an "assault weapon."


New member
Aguila Blanca:

Same theory applies to polling, about which much is heard. He that gets to pose or phrase the question gets significant control of/impact on the results obtained.