First time, I didn't believe my eyes


New member
Is it fair to call them ‘assault weapons’?

Posted by Aaron Blake on January 17, 2013 at 10:00 am

Browsing through the Washington Post web site the other day, I came on the Blake article. Needless to say, given the editorial position of the Post, as well as the knowing and deliberate misuse of terminology by so many in media, print or broadcast "journalism", the article was surprising.Seems that, hard to believe as it may be, there are some in media, even at The Washington Post that are willing and able to tell the truth about firearms.

If you find this article interesting, I think you might, take a look at some of the stuff written by WashPost reporter Sean Sullivan. Go to the Post's web site, and in the search field at the upper right, type Aaron Blake or Sean Sullivan, you might try both, however might I suggest, for a first read, the Blake article. Once there, you might find it worth while to forward the article to your elected things, among others or at least refer their attention to it.

The rest is up to you, readers of the foregoing.
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