First time I can't decide on my own


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Like many others I will add another semiauto with some of my tax return but for the first time I haven't nailed it down. I was first thinking M&P in .40 but then I started to look at Sigs. Now my brain is all twisted and I don't know if I should just focus on one of these or look at some others.
Some points that I'm not flexible on:
-Must be 9mm or .40(I have enough .45acp)
-No Glocks(It's a personal preference, Don't waste your time trying to sell me on a Glock)
-SA/DA or DAO(If DAO must not be a heavy, long, spongy trigger; something that is still light enough to get good accuracy from)

Price range is $500-$1000
Not looking for another 1911 or Beretta 92 type gun. I will inherit my dad's large gun collection someday and he just bought a CZ 75 compact in .40 so mark that off the list too.

Haven't ruled out the XD but I've shot one and wasn't that impressed to be honest. Never had a Kahr or HK so let me know if a certain model is worth investigating further. Full size or compact, steel or polymer doesn't matter to much as long as it's a shooter that is reliable and durable. This one will see lots of range and carry time. Since I plan on shooting it a lot 9mm would be cheaper but isn't a make or break issue. Hope this isn't to narrow for any input and you will take the time to suggest something I'm not currently thinking of. BTW I almost always try before I buy so I won't be running to the nearest store to buy whatever but would like some other options to try out.


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The M&P Smith is a very good gun, I just had a bad deal with a Sig and their customer service, personally i wont buy another Sig but have looke dat the M&P and i would buy one tomorrow if i had the fund:D s


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Sig 226


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My vote goes to the Sig, any Sig. 226 or 229. I like the DA/SA and the DAK is a pretty sweet trigger aswell.


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+1 for the M&P, I just bought the M&P 9mm compact over the weekend, although I havent had a chance to shoot it yet. I have fired the full size M&P in 9mm, however, and it was a nice shootin gun. IMO it was much better than the Sig 229 I once owned ( better than my glocks too, BTW)


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Thanks for all your input guys or gals. I will be trying a USP compact for sure along with the Sigs and M&P. I've heard so many good things in a short time period about the new Smiths. Gac009-that's exactly what is near the top of the list. I will probably look for a place that rents the PX4 Berettas as well but that might be hard to find. I noticed you are in my neck of the woods '75Scout, can you recommend a range/shop or just a shop? I travel all over TX for work and know a great place in Tyler but I don't know if I'll be heading that way anytime soon. Heard good things about the DAK trigger but I wouldn't mind a SA/DA. The SAS Sigs look great for a concealed carry gun but I will have to check them out more. Are they only available in DAK? A good feel in the hand and natural pointablitity(is that even a word?) is key for me. I don't mind spending the cash on a Sig or HK but there is that thing in the back of my mind saying get the M&P and spend the difference on ammo and a good holster.

Edit: Kudos for no one saying Glock model so and so. I know they are reasonably priced, have millions of accessories, and lots of folks love them but they are not for me. Believe me I wanted to like them but I just can't. They just don't fit my mitts.
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Mark54G-I started to look into the FN FNP and it looks great. Has every action choice and caliber choice I'm interested in so thanks for mentioning. Do you own one or have you fired one? The price is nice but I just wonder about reliablity and durablity. I can almost guarantee I won't find one at a range to rent. I've learned that firearms like anything else you get what you pay for but sometimes you find an exception like with the CZ 75 line and wonder if these FN fall into that category. Anyone that can give me more info on these it would be much appreciated.