First Time Full Size 1911


New member
Yesterday I had the chance to fire a full size 1911 for the first time. It was a Colt *thats all I know, sorry*.
My normal pistol shooting is my CZ-75 compact in 9mm. I have fired many pistols, dad has some .45 Glocks, some .357 revolvers, and I hunt with a Contender in 44mag. So recoil is not an issue, I was not scared of the weapon or anything like that.
I did NOT like it. With every shot, you get the back-front shake of that monsterous slide slamming around. It was not the snappy pop of my 9mm, or with my dad's Glocks. I did not like it for the same reason that I don't like semi shotguns and why I purchased a pump. The magazine had to be slammed into place, and while we were shooting, *maybe 200 rounds* there was 4-5 ftf. I have put about 2500 rounds through my CZ without a single malfunction of any kind, with round- and flat- nose and HP bullets *cheap winchester Defenders and Gold Dots* I am sorry, but I would not put up with that out of any weapon. *this is his CC piece, too* I was way less accurate at any range than with any weapon I have fired. It wasn't really too big for my hands, not for target work.
Overall, I will have to say I was very dissapointed in the weapon that so many people give so much to. If this is a one off type of bad experience, let me know. I have spent many hours drooling on the display cases of Kimbers, kinda feel let down by it.


Metal Head

New member
I just got a 1911 also but I'm coming from a Ruger P90. I have to getting used to it. The gun felt great to me but my aim is all over the place. I'm going to work on that when I can get to a range. Since you shoot mainly 9mm if I read that right. Could it be possible that you are limp wristing it? You were complaining about the "monsterous slide slamming around".


New member
me too

I don't know what it is, but you're not alone. I can put all 10 shots of my g30 dead center at 25 ft. but I'm all over the place with my dads 1911. I like the feel, it's extremely comfortable and fun to shoot, but I just can't hit the way I can with my glock. And he's the exact opposite (except he's better with mine than I am with his :mad: ).


New member
I think as is the case with most guns and people, the gun may just not fit you. For me, nothing is even close to being as accurate as a 1911 in my hands. I don’t get a “big heavy slide” slamming around and notice the recoil less in a full size 1911 than I do in Glock and XD 9mm weapons.

It does sound to me like you are limp wristing the gun which is not something that most any 1911 design will tolerate.


New member
As far as limp wristing, the possibility exists, but i don't think I am. I got out of that a long time ago, if you limpwrist the 44 mag, after a few shots it hurts. I just did not like the feel of that large chunk of metal moving around every shot. The entire weapon shook, a sharp back, and then a front hit, just didn't seem smooth like most other weapons I have fired.



New member
Now you konow why there are so many different types/styles of handguns:D

My first thought on any malfunction is always ammo or mags

Since all my pistols run just fine even when shooting weak hand, etc I don't tend to think "limp-wristing"


New member
I have a glock 19 and SA 1911 mil-spec and few other autos and revolvers.
I think its more about the shooter then the gun as far as accuracy.It generally takes me a couple of rounds to transition when I switch guns at the range


New member
Nytelyte, part of it may be your expectations, and part of it may be that particular gun.
With every shot, you get the back-front shake of that monsterous slide slamming around. It was not the snappy pop of my 9mm, or with my dad's Glocks.
The 1911 recoil is different from the 9mm. Most 1911 fans call it a gentle push but it is straight back-front as to described rather than the "snap" like recoil of the 9MM. This is due in part to the slow heavy bullet and the grip angle of the pistol.

The magazine had to be slammed into place
It's designed that way. Again, just one of those differences.

while we were shooting, *maybe 200 rounds* there was 4-5 ftf
That can be due to a number of things. Bad magazine, bad ammo, recoil spring out of spec.

The accuracy issue may be as American4Guns said. When transtitioning between different trigger types groups sometimes spread out until you are used to the new trigger.

I CCW a 1911 and it has been 100%. I know several others that have similar experiences. My suggestion would be try to some others before you make up your mind.

Try to make sure the one you try is in stock "unaltered" form. One of the 1911s strengths is also its greatest weakness. It is easily modified by the user. Some users can't resist putting the latest whiz-bang gadget they bought at the gun show into them and then turning an otherwise perfect gun into a jam-amatic.


New member
The 1911 isn't an easy gun to get to know for many, particularly if they are coming from other platforms. The operating system is similiar to your CZ but the weight and feel of the gun are very different.

It's not clear to me from your post if the gun is new, used or if you borrowed it for the occasion.

At any rate one of the interesting things about being a handgunner is learning new pieces. How they feel when they shoot and the challenge of mastering them or at least getting to know them.

Try the 1911 again. When you have it at the range notice who else is there with a 1911. Notice if they are a decent shot. Than ask them to give your piece a try (or bring a partner who is handy with a 1911). If they can shoot it decently than that rules out problems with the gun and lets you know how much work you have to do. If you want to do it.

A GM is big. It's heavy. It ain't easy to learn well. For those of us that like it though it's worth the work. But like all handguns one size don't fit all.



New member
I think shooting the 1911 .45 takes a little to learn the "flow" of its recoil. I don't think it has anything to do with a 9mm vs .45acp. I also shoot a 9mm Commander. The force of the recoil is different, but the general feel and slide movement is similar. The 9mm does not have as much of "the flow". And my Oacp certainly does not flow. It has more of a pop-muzzle rise than a swaying gentle....flow :D

Sorry for "the flow" thing. That's just how I've come to describe how a GM 1911 .45acp feels to me. I do shoot it very well. But that was only after becoming comfortable with it.

As suggested above, try out another session with an untampered 1911. Guns just feel and shoot different to every user.


New member
At first, I felt the same way about the 1911.

I first started getting interested in the 1911 back in 1995. I always thought that they were supposed to be "the thing to have". I looked at a few and even before I shot one i had decided that I didn't like the way that they felt in my hand. About a year later I went ahead and bought a Colt 1991-A1.

I felt the same way about the heavy, slow slide and I probably had the limp wristing problem too. I put the pistol away and just looked at it as an investment. (prices have damn near doubled since then by the way)

Two years ago I decided to give Kimber a try. Now I have four Kimbers and am wanting more.

I think one reason I didn't like the Colt is because it does not have the high beavertail grip safety that the Kimbers have. I barely notice the slide movement on the Kimbers. Percived recoil is way down compared to that of the stock Colt.

Don't give up. See if you can find a range that will let you rent a Kimber or if you see someone shooting a 1911 at the range, go ask that person a few questions like "I'm thinking about one of those. Mind if I try yours?"

Good luck...LoadIt


New member
1911's can be VERY accurate, my Kimber will put an entire mag into a group I can cover with my hand(at 25yds) if I do my part and from a rest it will ALOT better. And frankly, I like the big hole it makes.:D I also haven't been impressed with any of the Colt 1911's I've seen/tried. Maybe it was just coinsidence, but the slide to frame fit on the Colts I've tried was terrible. And one was a Gold Cup I was thinking of buying. The accuracy was nothing to write home about either, and I thought the G C was supposed to be a "target" pistol.