First time for this.........


New member
So we're out in the swamp yesterday afternoon. Had a good breeze going so instead of climbing we worked slowly into the wind with the intention of picking a spot for the last 30 minutes of light to just stand and watch.

So about 45 minutes before dark find a place that looks good and settle up between 2 trees with some cover in the up-wind direction.

Been standing there for a couple of minutes when all of a sudden from up in a tree about 20 feet away comes all this hissing and growling and catcalling. Look up and see what turns out to be 4 raccoons.

At first I thought it was just a bunch of juveniles arguing with one another. But then I realize that what is happening is that the darn raccoons are behaving just like squirrels.

Every one of them is looking right at me and they are scolding just like a squirrel and most strange of all is that they are flicking their tails just like squirrels do.....

And they kept it up, toning it down some after about 15 minutes but never stopping completely, untill I left at dark.

Now I've been growled at a bunch of times by raccoons. We are constantly trapping them out from around the animal cages at the house. But in all my life I have never had one act like a squirrel and scold and wag his tail, and keep it up for near on 45 minutes.

Odd behavior.........


New member
If they only knew how many gators you and your better half have removed from their living room! They should have, or maybe they were fanning you thinking you were in need of comfort?:p