First time (CCW).


New member
Well. Didn't know where to put this, so here I try ;)

CCW'ed for the first time since getting my license. Practiced beforehand around the place and stuff, but first time in public so a little unnerving (For the first time and all ;)).

But, everything went cool, and after the first 1/2 hour, never even bothered me.

So, gonna happen alot more :)

Oh, It was a Sig 226. .40S&W, using Fiocchi 155 grain XTPs, with a Bianchi IWB 6D holster under a coat (Really rainy day today) at around 4 o'clock.

Just was a little "up" over it and felt like sharing :D


New member
I know what you mean. When I was waiting for my CCW (CPL here in MI), I thought for sure they'd find some reason to deny me even though I don't have a criminal record. I was amazed when the board approve me and it show up in the mail on Sept, 11 2001. Pretty easy date to remember.

When I first carried I kept grabbing my shirt to make sure it wasn't exposed. After a few times it seemed ridiculous that I had to get a permit to carry. I felt like I should have been able to carry all along. Now grabbing a pistol on my was out is just as natural as grabbing my keys


New member
I've had mine for two weeks now and as you said the first day I was totally paranoid about being noticed. Now it is second nature in shorts and a t shirt. IWB Crossbreed G29.

The general population is completely unaware of what is going on around them.


New member
Welcome to the CCW world,I been CCW for 25 yrs and its like carrying my wallet just a daily routine. Congrats guys;)


Congrats! At first, you'll be sure everyone can see the outline of your weapon and that every movement flashes it. You will KNOW everyone is pointing at you - "He's got a gun!" The more you wear it, the more comfortable you will be with it. If you have a truly GOOD holster/belt combo, you will hardly notice it. You will learn to "dress around the gun". Dark colors and patterns are your friend, as are loose-fitting shirts. You will lean to stop constantly adjusting the holster. In fact, if the holster/belt is the proper fit, you won't need to. You will gradually stop touching the butt with your elbow just to assure yourself that it's still in place. You will learn to give a little extra clearance on your carry side, and to reach overhead with your weak-side hand.


New member
I know, I kept thinking "Someone's gotta see it".

Then I watched people and...Although I won't because CCW is easy, I think I could open carry and 2/3 of people wouldn't even notice.......:rolleyes:

I experimented, and I think from now on when I go it'll be a T-shirt, with a loosed black checkered outer shirt. Does a bangup job covering it. Main thing will be learning to use my left hand more so I don't lean up with that side.

Amazingly enough, I think I found the perfect combo. I didn't think a $29.99 holster could work as well. It just gets there and stays awesome!

Thanks for all your experiances, big help!

Tru Trak

New member
My first time out was a Wal Mart and I also felt like everyone could see it. I was wrong as the other posters said. It is second nature to carry now. When I started looking it was alittle different here in Florida because of the shorts and tucked in work shirt. I decided on the Kel Tec .380 in a pocket holster and it works great.


New member
youll get over it in a month or 2. Im still not over always thinking in the back of my mind that I have a gun on me. Don't think I will either.


New member
1st time CCW outing

I've been carring for almost 20 yrs. now and was always very comfortable , with that said my bride and I went thru a DWI check roadblock one night and I had to reach for my wallet on the same side as my gun while the Troopers ( one in each window ) watched me do so. I was wearing shorts and a tanktop so I was sure they would notice and there would be the whole get on the ground thing, but they didn't notice and we went on our marry way. I was more confident with my ability to keep it concealed after that, but it didn't do anything to reduce the pucker factor that night.
Congratulations on the new Permit.


New member
Congrats. If you are comfortable now, wait till you've carried for a few months. It becomes very second nature and you'll soon realize that most people, even if they notice a bulge or a bit of leather, won't think twice about it.

10mm man

New member
second nature now

I have been carrying for over 20 years and I don't think anything of it. Most people pay no attention to other people and wouldn't think twice about someone carrying concealed.
I tended to be a little more concerned when I lived in NY as you can only carry concealed, however here in NC, I can open carry as well.
My son carries open and rarely does anyone notice, as I said, people just don't notice unless its on their mind to.


I know its nerve wracking at first but you just have to get used to the fact that its perfectly legal and it doesnt really matter what other people think:)


New member
One touched on a thing I am doing ;)

I switched my wallet from my right rear pocket to my left. Reduces it a fair bit.

Ah well, won't be too long (hopefully) and I get to where it doesn't bother me even a smidgeon. Although I DO always want to remember that I AM carrying a gun and it is a responsability.

Rich Miranda

New member
So, did you do the WalMart strut, Mosin? :D I did and continue to do so.

Welcome to the secret society of CCWers. :p
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New member
No walmart strut yet ;)

Going to a town with one in it tomorrow, so I may try it. At least it doesn't have a "No weapons on premises" sign. Who knows, although they wouldn't like one, they may be leniant. Last time I got ammo they didn't even check my drivers license (Although I am legal). Plus they been expanding their ammo and reloading stuff a little.....makes me wonder if the manager is a gun-guy ;)

As for going full size, I was surprised at how well the 226 concealed. And although alot of stuff works, It is more comforting to be carrying something starting with a .4+ and carrying a dozen rounds.


Wal-Mart does not specifically prohibit concealed or open carry weapons. In fact, the upper management is pro personal freedoms. However, in each advertisement package sent to the stores is a "no guns" sign that each manager has the option to display. If a complaint is made to upper management, the manager will probably have to remove it. When I lived in NC, I often open carried in Wal-Mart and no one even turned a head.

Act casual.


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