First shoot DPMS 5.56 Oracle


New member

Today was the first shoot of my new DPMS AR. Deb shot her first AR, and first real rifle shoot. She did shoot my AK last year from the hip just to do it for fun for a few rounds. She was a not gun girl until we met, and now she has her handguns, and now an AR to learn for use as a working rifle. She had fun, some of the first shots I put on video. She needs work in her stance and control but will do well soon I am sure.

What AR have you used to introduce a new shooter to the discipline of defensive rifle shooting? Did you use iron sights as I did, or optical sights? I like to keep is simple and let her learn the basics until she progresses to faster shooting and then shooting while moving, and beyond.


New member
Lucky you!

My wife of 47 years has never shot a gun in her life and refuses to this day. :(

Too bad she is missing out on the fun, but at least it means more ammo for me to shoot up.


New member
debs a tough gal now. he he. i didn't know if dpms was reliable or not. i seen maybe 2 minutes of the video and i didn't see any jams. hey it takes 5 shots to drop someone. if you don't go for the heart or head. why were you having her do that 2 shot stuff?


New member
why were you having her do that 2 shot stuff?

She is a newbie and I am not giving her too much to handle, but also want her to get use to the fact that the rifle is easy to control with shooting more than once. I build them up slowly, and precisely do their confidence grows, and the rifle and person get used to each other and become friends. I had her sit a spell and just fondle it, feel it, move it around in her arms. This builds a good relationship and no fear...


New member
Looks like you got a nice shooter. :)

While I believe everyone should master iron sight shooting at some point, I usually let the newbies shoot my Aimpoint sighted AR's with the irons folded down. The red dots make things a bit easier, and most seem to like them more. Theres always time to work on the irons (and other things) later on.

I usually start at fairly close ranges as well, and focus on them getting comfortable and having fun. If they are into it, and want to continue, theres plenty of shooting ahead. :)

I show them what a "forward fighting stance" is, and how to shoulder the rifle using it, with their head down and forward, with a good cheek weld, and their nose to the charging handle. Irons and dots have the same basic cheek weld, and the rifle shoulders the same with both.


New member
I may get a Red Dot after she masters the iron sights first. If all else fails the basics save your ...! I am now pondering what status to store the AR next to the bed when I am gone with her newbie knowledge...


New member
why not a eotech?

why not a eotech? i think that is what they go with now. they as in the us military. i was looking into optics for my m-4 but it is to high for me. like 455 and up. I only get 100 bucks a week.


New member
why not a eotech?

I will look at them, but what the military uses is not always the best for me ... I actually pay for my stuff and I am not in that rugged environment. I believe in the K.I.S.S. principal for personal usage...


New member
I may get a Red Dot after she masters the iron sights first.
I agree with learning the irons, and at the very least, the basics, but if the person using the gun isnt really a gun person, a good red dot would be a better choice. Its also a 24 hour sight that gives a good aiming point in any light. Irons, especially peeps, can be problematical in low light.

I am now pondering what status to store the AR next to the bed when I am gone with her newbie knowledge...
Id probably wait until shes no longer a "newbie". I think she'd be better served with something shes already comfortable with until then.

I actually pay for my stuff and I am not in that rugged environment. I believe in the K.I.S.S. principal for personal usage...
Me too. Thats why my rifles have Aimpoints on them.

If I had back all the money wasted on the "cheap" (and not one of those was under $150) sights, mounts, etc, Id have enough for another Aimpoint and accessories.

I know the "copies" are getting better, and may be worth a look, but from experience, Im still leery. Im still using (old school) Aimpoint Comp M2/ML2's that were state of the art when bought new. The batteries last over a year, and thats left on, 24/7/365. I change them out once a year and have yet to find one dead in over 12 years.


New member
My wife is pretty tiny and had never shot anything prior to meeting me. I started her off on an AR-15 specifically because of the very light recoil and the low weight of the rifle itself. Now that we live in the countryside, it seems like she's outside shooting even more than I am. :) It also helps that the platform is really easy to strip and clean and easy to explain to a novice how everything works together.

I have a couple of buddies who have wives/girlfriends who outright refuse to even touch a firearm. *shrug*


New member
I have a couple of buddies who have wives/girlfriends who outright refuse to even touch a firearm. *shrug*

That is a personal choice that I support but, and there is no BS after this but, after dealing with the scary side of life on the streets for a very long time I feel that some folks live in Cinderella land and have no idea how absolutely scary man can be! You don't have to be afraid, but you have to be skilled enough to deal with the scary ones if the day comes when they come to you. I have had to do it for a long time and was happy to put my two cents in helping others who have suffered or were about to suffer due to those on the other side of sanity and/or compassion for fellow man. Most folks will never have to and I hope they are part of the majority that don't. The ones who aren't as lucky will be better served and do better to survive if they do have to sort out a real threat in the real world.

Besides, shooting is damn fun!!!:)