First serious bolt action rifle

Master Blaster

New member
Greetings All,

I would like to purchase my first bolt action large caliber rifle. The purpose would be target shooting out to 300 yards. I want to spend under $500, if possible. I am looking for agood solid accurate bolt action. I would prefer new. What caliber would you suggest, and what rifle and why. I would like it to have iron sights and the ability to take a good scope which will be purchased at a later date.

Chad Young

New member
The entire Savage 110/10 series will fit this bill with room to s[are for a decent scope and some ammo. My 10FP will shoot 1" at 100 yards all day, better with good ammo.


New member

While I can agree that Savage rifles are very accurate out of the box and cost less than other manufacturers, I would still suggest buying a Remington 700. The bolt on a Remington feels as if it's on ball bearings, and out-of-box accuracy is definitely there. I recall being at Bass Pro Shops one day and I fondled bolt-action rifles from the following manufacturers: Savage, Marlin, Remington, Ruger, Winchester, Browning and Sako. I cycled each rifle and came to the apparent conclusion that the Remington 700 had the best overall feel. Smooth and solid.

I would suggest a Remington 700 ADL chambered in .308.

Why a .308? It's plentiful, cheap, accurate and recoil is manageable. Plus, if you ever decide to hunt, you will have a very capable round.



[Edited by kgs on 01-30-2001 at 12:53 PM]

J. Parker

New member
I agree with Chad. I'm a lefty and didn't want to spend alot of money so the Savage line of rifles was perfect for me. A good number of their models come with iron sights also. There are "combo" packages that come with a scope. Heck, all you need is the ammo. As far as calibre is concerned I got mine in 30/06. IMHO, the most versatile rifle calibre there is. In October when my brother-in-law drags me out in the woods after bambi it's my deer gun. The rest of the year it goes with me campin' and shootin'. It might sound strange but I like plinking with it. Take the scope off and blast away with the iron sights. 30/06 ammo is always available and some of it pretty darn cheap. There's more expensive rifles out there but Savages sure are good VALUE. Good Luck, J. Parker


New member
I gotta go with kgs on this one. Remington over Savage? Any day of the week! And since you say this rifle will be primarily for target shooting, .308 Winchester has gotta be the best choice. I believe the .30-06 is more versatile, but .308 edges it out for raw accuracy.

Rumor has it that you might also even be able to kill a deer with a .308, if the need ever arises.



New member
I am a HUGE fan of the .30-06. The only problem I have with it is the recoil. It is definitely a shoulder pounder. That's why I recommend the .308. Recoil is less severe hence high volume shooting activities such as target punching will be much more enjoyable.

BTW, I can't argue with the value aspect of Savage rifles. :)(although the scopes that come with their rifle packages are better served as door props.) However, I am one to go for quality and price and that's why I like the Remington. They offer high quality at a reasonable price. (hence the ADL suggestion)




New member
I'm partial to the Savage myself (I freely admit my bias), BUT the package guns don't have iron sights, which you state you want. You can get one of the 10/110 series without scope but with iron sites for well under $500. The Rem 700 ADL and Win 70 are also available with iron sites for under $500 for the entry-level rifles. For a 300 yard rifle, any of these will serve you just fine.

I'm partial to the .30-06 myself, but I'm sure folks can give you reasons why the .308 is superior. Except at the extremes, there's probably not a hill of beans' worth of difference.

Like Shin-Tao says, some of the surplus bolt actions may serve you just fine, too, if you're looking to enter the game on a low budget.


New member
While I agree with kgs that the Rem 700 has a better feeling bolt, I paid $200 more for my 700fvss 308 than I did for my savage 112fvss in 22-250. They both shoot VERY well and my next rifle will be another savage. Can't beat the cost with the acuracy at all.

My $.02 worth.


New member
I'm also partial to Savage since I have one. Mine is in 7mm Remington Magnum and I love the thing. Savage isn't too expensive and are quite accurate. Get the bang for your buck.


Staff Alumnus
Go with a savage or a CZ 550 "american" in 30-06. Both will shoot better than most people, esp when using federal premium ammo.

I'll put my savage 116 up against any other mfg out to 300 yards. My longest single shot kill on game is something like 375 yards and that's about my limit without using a bipod.

I've been looking at new CZ rifles (in 375) and the finish it gorgeous. i want one.
