First rule of robbery: Pick a sheeple (Clayton Co., GA)


New member
If you want your robbery to succeed, pick a sheeple instead of someone who will fight back. (Lord knows there's enough of 'em.)

[ The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 9/6/02 ]

Home-invasion turns deadly for bandit

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer

An attempted home-invasion robbery of a young Clayton County couple Thursday night proved fatal for the would-be bandit when his victim fired first.

A 24-year-old man armed with a pistol forced his way into the couple's home on Mt. Zion Road near Stockbridge and ordered the couple to "give it up!" said Clayton County police Lt. J.E. Turner.

"The couple had answered a knock on the door, and the suspect forced them back into the living room. The husband was able to grab his own handgun from a table, and got off two rounds, hitting the assailant in the lower torso," Turner said.

The incident occurred shortly before 10 p.m. Thursday. Names of the suspect and his intended victims were not immediately available.

Turner said detectives believe the married couple, who are in their early 20s, had recently moved into the Waterford Apartments at 3196 Mt. Zion Rd. and were random "targets of opportunity."

"The couple did not know the suspect, and we think he was waiting in the area for a possible victim to come home and watched them go into the apartment," Turner said. "The couple thought the assailant was demanding money," he added.

"While we haven't had a problem with this particular apartment complex, in some parts of the county we have had a problem with random pedestrian robberies as people arrived home," Turner added.

"We don't know why the assailant wanted to get into the apartment, but he did and it turned out bad for him," he said.

The incident is being investigated, but it is unlikely any charges will be filed, Turner said.

Radio reports contain audio of sherrif/police representative stating it was self defense, no charges (opposed to the "unlikely" quote in the story).


New member
The radio reports were actually sounding pretty much in favor of the self defense killing, which is refreshing for the left wing media, as papercut noted.
Rehabilitation through reincarnation!

Fool didn't know enough to look for the "gun free home" sign out front. :D Darwinism in action.


New member
And a lot of folks would consider that couple paranoid because they had a "ready" gun.

No trigger lock, no cable, no safe.......a ready for use tool that came to hand when needed.

May they be found to be clean and suffer little from the experience.



New member
They should arrest that guy for keeping a deadly weapon that is able to be brought into action without 15 minutes of monkeying with it first...

LOL, I swear antis are stupid... Trigger lock laws...