First rifle on layaway


New member
Hi there, my name is Ed. I just put my first rifle on a layaway one of the savage edge xp rifle packages in .308 I've kinda been eying it for a while as a first rifle and a local chain had it on sale so I figured now was a good time. But I don't get paid for a couple weeks so had to go for layaway.

I've been lurking here for quite a while, probably coming on twice a day or so and checking things out, learned a lot and now i can participate woo!


New member
It'll probably be a few weeks before I can manage to pay it off completely but when i do I'll find a camera to borrow and take some pics of it. I thought it'd be a good rifle to start with, I wanna start learning how to shoot, both rifles and handguns, especially since I'm currently trying to get a position in Border Patrol, or the County Sheriff (border patrol is my first choice). I'd simply prefer to go into the academy knowing what I'm doing, and I'm looking forward to taking shooting up as a hobby as well.