First range trip with new Winchester 94/22.


New member
I have had a new Winchester 94/22 for a few months now, but haven't had a chance to shoot it.
I wanted the short "Ranger" version, but it has been discontinued. Fit and finish were outstanding, as I would expect from a Winchester.

I ran a couple of patches down the bore, then one soaked in CLP, then a couple of clean ones.
I rubbed CLP on the bolt with a Qtip, then it was off to the range.

I planned on making a day of it, but man, it was cold here in East Tennessee! I think the wind chill was around 20!!!

I shot some groups that had 3 bullets touching at 25 yds.
I shot some that were 6" or more!
I think the 200mph wind had something to do with it. ;)

Even with the lousy weather conditions, we all know that any day at the range is a good day.

I had a Henry lever action a few years ago, and it jammed a lot.
And when it jammed, there was no take-down screw, so it was ugly every time. (Digging out mangled bullets with a screw driver.:mad: )

Well, the Winchester, in frigid conditions went through a mixture of Federal high velocity jhp, and CCI Stinger jhp, with no problems at all. I shot 100 rds. I was amazed at how easily the lever worked, esp. with my numb fingers.
I would have shot more, but when I lost the feeling in my fingers, it was really hard to get those tiny bullets in the little tube.

Rapid fire, slow aimed fire, - piece of cake.
I put up some six inch balloons at the 25 and 50 yd markers.
Even though the wind had them whipping around pretty good, it took less than 3 shots each to pop all four.

I've always wanted a lever action .22, and actually, I've always wanted a Winchester lever action .22.
This gun is a keeper.

Master Blaster

New member
I have one too the surprising thing is that it has no crossbolt safety, and it has a good trigger pull right out of the box.

The Liars, errr um mm Lwyers have not yet ruined the trigger on these, the pull on mine is about 3.5 lbs and short.

Try shooting some CB longs in it, you will be surprised at how quiet it is, the hammer fall is louder than the report.


New member
Congratulations. the 9422 is one of the sweetest 22s around. It was my first 22 and I still have after more years than I care to admit. With a 1 inch, 4 power scope, I can usually 1.5-2 inch groups a 100 yards. After firing a bazillion rounds, it has never failed to feed, ever. And keep in mind you can use any length .22 rimfired ammo, short, long and long rifle, even BB caps and shot shells.

I shoot shorts and BB caps down the hall in my house with an 1/8 inch steel plate as a backstop behind a phone book, the report is so low. (make sure everyone is out of the house if you do this).

Takedown is simple with a quarter (25 cents), but like all 22s the less cleaning the better.

Have fun!


New member
I've owned a Winchester 94/.22M (.22 Magnum) for years...

these things are true tack drivers... mine, straight outta the box, eith a Wesatern Field 3-7 scope, boresighted only, took a chickadee at 25 yards, offhand, with my buddy shooting it...

we consistently bust clays with it sitting on the berm, 100 yds. away...

and we never did fine-tune that scope.,.. (seems it doesn't need it...)

fine gun, Enjoy it!

Byron Adams

New member

We are having the same cold wind in N GA . My 94/22 Trapper is more accurate than any other 22 rifle I have. It seems to shot all brands of 22's to the same point of impact. This one is worth the money.


New member
Thanks for all of the encouraging words.
My first rifle was a single shot, bolt action, .22 Winchester.
I still have it, and it is still a tack driver.
I would love to know how many thousands of rounds I have put through it in the last 30 years.

I had a model 94 in 30/30 many years ago.
Traded it, wish I hadn't.

I hope to add a short 94 in 30/30 and one in .357 to my collection in the near future.

I have read several references to CB caps.
I used to make my own:
Pry open a brass .22 cal. blank, and insert a BB.
They were fun when my folks wouldn't let me shoot a real gun.
(I'd probably got a whuppin' if they knew what I done to my little blank pistol, to make it shoot those "BB caps".)
Man, I'm lucky I didn't shoot my eye out. :eek:

I am guessing that a gun show would be the best place to get some real CB caps?