First range trip with new CZs


New member
This afternoon after work I took the two CZs I picked up on Wednesday down to the range. I'm very impressed with both of them, and the P-01 is an amazing pistol with some of the best ergonomics I've ever seen in a gun.

How did I end with two coming home with me that day? I had ordered the P-01 through Bud's, and as I was finishing up the transaction Jimmy (the owner of the shop) says "Joel, before you leave I have something you might be interested in"

He goes out back and comes back with a nearly perfect CZ 75B that didn't appear to have been fired very much at all, and offers it to me at a VERY reasonable price. How could I say no? ;)

After a thorough cleaning (the P-01 was dripping with cosmoline in the box!) and lube, I drove down to the range a few miles from my house. Put 100 rounds through the 75B, and 200 through the P-01 today without any problems at all. The workmanship on the CZs is impressive, they are solid and well-built with apparent attention to detail and quality.

Very nice triggers on both of them. The 75B can be carried cocked and locked (no decocker), and the single action is clean, light and crisp. The P-01 is DA/SA with a decocker.

The design with the slide inside the frame is pretty cool, and contributes to the impressive accuracy both guns showed today. I was really just getting the feel of them today, but keeping every round on a paper plate at 25 yards was easy.

Sorry, no pictures as our digital camera is buried somewhere around the house. One of the days I"ll post up some pictures of my growing collection.

A few weeks ago I also picked up a CZ-83, and am impressed by that one as well.

I have a feeling these CZs are going to become favorites of mine, comparable to the standing of my Sigs.
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New member
Welcome to the club Sparks. I have been shooting cZs for thirty years and always keep a few around. The ergonomics are terrific for me and they are well engineered and well built pistols. The triggers will get better, with use, as well. The only down side is that cZs are addictive and you will soon be adding to your stable.


New member
Addicted to CZs

Yes, I am addicted to CZ. I have 5 cz on my stable: 2 cz 75b(two-tone and glossy black) chambered in 9mm; 2 cz 75 p07 chambered in both 9mm and 40 cal; and lastly, 1 cz 97b which is chambered in 45 cal. I love the 45cal rounds.
These guns have 3 common characteristics - accuracy, reliability and great ergonomics. They are quite fun to shoot!
Pretty and practical


Not sure about the sis waning tho...



New member
Took the P-01 out again this morning on my regular Saturday trip up to the range in Berkshire, along with some of my .22s

This gun is a tack-driver. Another 200 rounds today, and I must say that's it's stealing my heart. I can already tell it's going to become my favorite handgun, at least for awhile.

Hope my Sig P229 isn't the jealous type;)

PS: Found the camera... will try to get some decent photos soon
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