"First Monday"

Chris Pinkleton

New member
Anyone watch "First Monday" tonight? This has to be the first instance of strong pro-gun slant I've seen on a drama series in a while--the fictional Supreme Court strikes down a gun ban, and we get treated to a maudlin, but PRO-GUN flashback where we see a young Justice stop his aunt from being raped by use of a handgun--when he's 10! And the antis are mostly portrayed as fanatics! Yes, they included the typical "teflon bullets, assault rifle, etc."-bad mouthing, but at least it was brief...

Maybe 9/11 did really open up some minds?

A man can hope....


New member
Amazing. I thought the show would be something like "West Wing" is reputed to be: a "Liberals" wet dream of what a liberal president would be like.
Guess that's what I get for judging a book by its cover.

Hunter Rose

New member
Don't worry, croyance

... I made the same assumption (and we all KNOW what assumptions do). I was VERY supprised by how they handled the whole situation, especially showing the left pulling dirty tricks to get it's way...


New member
I heard a radio spot on this episode and thought I should watch it.

Well I did.

I don't think we have much to worry about as this show is crap and I doubt it has many veiwers. However I may be wrong, but who knows?

I complete waste of an hour!!!!


New member
Not to poop on the party, but I though it was a letdown.

Sure, they fought the good fight. They threw out lots of rhetorical one-liners.

Then, right at the end, the whole idea of impartial logic was turned on it's ear by the compromise between the 2 justices to write up an opinion against teflon coated bullets, FA, and assault weapons.

Novelli didn't seem so logical after that.

Notice that he never countered the stolen gun issue? How simple could it have been to throw in a line about having you car stolen and used in a crime?

I did enjoy last week's show though. At least they got the 4th amm. issue correct.

Mike in VA

New member
At least they made the point that self-defense is a basic human right. Overall, I thought the show was OK until they threw in the teflon bullet/full-auto/assault weapon crap. My wife was pleased that I didn't shoot the Sony while the slimeball liberal senator (isn't that redundant?) was on.:)


New member
That last bit about the gun registration, assault weapons, etc looked out of place to me. It was almost like it was penciled in at the last minute as a consolation. It just didn't fit with the mood of the rest of the show and that was the only place they mentioned it.

I liked how they portrayed that the anti-gun supporting senator as ruthless and immoral.

I also liked how they showed the badguy in the holdup using a knife, further illistrating that banning guns will not end violent crime.

Overall it was very positive RKBA. I think I'm going to like that show.

You know on further thought, we should all write or email the producers of this program and show our support of this episode. It wasn't perfect, but it was a step in the right direction. Besides, we all know that they are going to get some mail from the sniveling whiners.

email to: pde@paramount.com (from http://www.paramount.com/homepde.html)

www.cbs.com then click "Feedback" on the bottom.

The producer is Donald P. Bellisario, the same guy who produces JAG and did Blacksheep Squadron and Magnum P.I. in the 80's.
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New member

First, this show is what "CHIPS" was to Law Enforcement. It is clumsy, badly written and acted, and thankfully CANCELLED.

Second, it was an attempt by the Incidious Left to set another agenda on the gun rights issue. The Left knows that they are LOOSING the "hearts and minds" of the people. 34 states (and counting) w/ CCW laws, Goverment looses 2nd Amend. part of Emerson case,G.W. Bush elected with push fom NRA, ect.

They know that their "collective rights" agrument is DOA. So the only recourse is a new agenda; one that gives in to the "individual right" agrument but that stresses the resrictions of that right. Does any one believe that CCW laws are Constituional???

What we are going to end up with is a "RIGHT" that on paper every one will "agree" with in "principle" but will be so "Qualified" and compromised that we would be better off with out it.

So dont be fooled when it looks like Hollywood is on your side; always remeber THEY ARE NOT, and never will be. And of course they couldnt help but to thow in the Teflon Bullet Lie could they? Remember, Teflon has nothing to do with the penetration of a vest. The so called "Cop Killer Bullets" have never killed a cop and are ALREADY ILLEGAL. But then the truth never stopped Hollywood.


New member
I had wanted to see this episode (I actually don't have a problem with the show itself, it's entertaining enough), but I forgot all about it. Bummer.

So the only recourse is a new agenda; one that gives in to the "individual right" agrument but that stresses the resrictions of that right.

I personally see this as a step in the right direction. Not total success for us yet, but at least we are forcing them to concede that we are, afterall, RIGHT.


New member

You can be right and still end up dead because of all the restrictions that do not enable you to protect yourself. It's call being DEAD RIGHT!

Cain R

New member
Completely OFF Topic

So, Goet, why do you want to ban Canada??? I mean after all if you did that there wouldn't be any really good beer or hockey players left on the continent.


New member
You can be right and still end up dead because of all the restrictions that do not enable you to protect yourself. It's call being DEAD RIGHT!

I'll concede that I'm probably just naive on this. But, I would think that getting them to concede that we are at least partially right would be a step toward getting them to concede that their gun control laws are utter bulloney.

Like I said, it's not a victory; but I do think it's a positive step.