First Gun: Ruger SR9c


New member
Just got back from the LGS and bought my first gun, a Ruger SR9c. I also certified at my range today, so on Monday when I can actually pick up the gun, I will be good to go!

Want to thank everyone on here for helpful advice and reviews, most of which I didn't actually post in, but read and enjoyed.

Now that I've made the decision, looking for ideas on holsters that work well with the SR9c? I'll be buying a Remora immediately just because they seem great and are cheap enough to try anyway. What IWB holsters do you use with your SR9c?


New member
Not a bad first choice at all! I think it's a steal at the price range in terms of quality and reliability. The form-fitting magazine extension it comes with is hugely awesome, too. I actually like the compact SR9s and SR40s a lot better than their full-size companions. A great deal of flexibilty. 17+1 for the nightstand, 10+1 for the waistband.

Can't help with holsters, as I don't own one, but have you chosen a carry round? Might I suggest 147-grain Federal HST, 147-grain Gold Dot, and 147-grain Winchester Ranger T-series? The 124-grain weights are fine in all of those, I'm just partial to heavy bullets.


New member
Your first gun should be the last gun that'll ever break down. That gun will be functioning when your great grandchildren are using a walker.

I have enjoyed Fist kydex holsters. I go with them almost exclusively. Also, do yourself a favor and go ahead and take the advice from all the people who say 'get a good gun belt.' It does make a difference.


New member
Good choice on the SR9c.

Crossbreed, or Kholster IWB work for SR9c. Also have a Don Hume H715. Most of the SR9 holsters also work with the SR9c.


New member
Thanks for the tips, keep em coming. Also nice to have confirmation I did well on my purchase :)

I picked up a box of Winchester Bonded PDX1 147gr JHP (just 25 to try them, they are stupid expensive) and 100 WWB (also more expensive than they should be at Gander Mountain). All of the different defense ammos are kind of overwhelming, and I kind of think as long as I go with a factory-made JHP I will probably be ok.

I agree with the heavier bullet weight idea, so I'll stick with the 147gr with whatever manufacturer I decide on.


New member
I like the looks of the Don Hume H715 and the Fist kydex holsters. I don't like the idea of the crossbreed or other "bigger" holsters. I prefer leaving the gun in the holster at all times in between range trips to minimize handling of the gun, minimizing room for error. A small holster I can unclip and throw in the safe seems like something I'd prefer to a big piece of leather I need to take the gun out of at night.

Same thing if I need to leave it in the car at the courthouse or some such. I doubt I could take off a crossbreed while sitting in my car (i'm 6'5")

But who knows in 3 months and six holsters I may think something totally different.


New member
The only bullet weight that I had issues with for my SR9c were 147. All other weights and types fed fine. Glad they work for you.


New member
Good purchase man, Congrats!

the SR9c is an awesome first pistol. you will enjoy having the Ruger reliability and customer service.


New member
Range Report

Just got back from the range, put about 50 WWB through it as well as some of the Winchester PDX-1 147gr JHPs. Everything fed perfectly, only hiccup was one of the magazines wasn't seating all the way so a round wasn't chambered. It was the one with the finger extension, and since I plan on making both mags flush, I'm not worried about it. Plus I probably should have made sure it clicked all the way.

Accuracy was great, only shot out to about 14 yards or so. Was able to place shots where I wanted them with both kinds of ammo as fast as my limited skills allow. I couldn't tell a noticeable difference in POI between the 115gr FMJs and 147gr JHPs, but I did find the JHPs slightly more controllable.

The trigger was great, better than the Glocks I've fired, but I knew that going in.

I bought a Desantis IWB holster at the store for $25, just as a starting point on holsters. I of course have no point of reference, but it was comfortable, secure, and extremely well hidden once I found the right place on my body. My current every day belt, a 511 tactical belt which is double thickness and reversible, seems just fine, it was not pulled down by the loaded pistol. I did a series of maneuvers such as walking, bending over, grabbing my wallet, sitting and standing, and my girlfriend was not able to see the gun at all through the same polo I had been wearing all day. Being completely new to concealed carry, this is very reassuring! My work doesn't allow firearms so I didn't get to continue carrying, but I would feel totally comfortable doing so, which is more than I expected at this point.

Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my choice and if I was starting over I'd do the same thing again. There are a series of defensive pistol classes offered here and I look forward to going through them with my little Ruger.


New member
Good choice on the SR9c.

Crossbreed, or Kholster IWB work for SR9c. Also have a Don Hume H715. Most of the SR9 holsters also work with the SR9c

Indeed I'd look at Crossbreed and Minoaur's MTAC options for all your CC needs.


New member
I've been directing allot of new shooters to the SR9/SR9c myself. While so many of the gun companies have been really going downhill (GEN4 Glock mess, SIG under it's new president, and so on) Ruger has been hitting homerun after homerun. Yes they've had some recalls but they handled those with class. Recalling the guns, paying shipping, and throwing in a free mag for your troubles. Instead of denying the problem, calling the fix an "upgrade", or saying you need more powerful ammo, or a specific ammo as others have.
Nice slim gun, good trigger, good ergonomics, great CS, a class act all the way. Enjoy your new gun. May it give you many years of shooting pleasure!