First Deer!........for my nephew........


New member
Opening day of regular gun season here this past Saturday my 15 year old nephew got his first ever deer and it turned out to be a fairly nice 8 pointer. Opening day the morning was warm and rainy and deer were not moving. We did a few man-drives and this one nearly ran me over on the way to my nephew. He nailed him with a load of 00 buckshot at 15 yds and he folded. We headed in shortly afterward as the sun came out and the temps topped 70 degrees.

That's one happy teenager..........


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Staff In Memoriam
EWWWWW.... ICKY!!! His tongue is pokin' out.... YUCKY!!!
seriously though good deer and happy feller too! How much did he weigh, dressed, do you reckon?



New member
How much did he weigh, dressed, do you reckon?

I honestly don't know. We don't have a scale. Need to get one.........

I also didn't help drag him. We had enough teenagers around that day that I didn't have to go using my titanium reinforced spine to go pulling on a deer. :D.


New member
I also didn't help drag him. We had enough teenagers around that day

RR - I can see that your tumble did nothing to your intelligence! Put them young backs to work!

Nice deer for your nephew, and glad you are back in the woods.

Stay safe!


New member
RR - I can see that your tumble did nothing to your intelligence! Put them young backs to work!

Indeed. What good does it do to have 6 nephews and 2 kids of my own if I don't put them to good use every now and again? :D.

Need a fridge moved? A pool cleaned? Yard mowed? I've trained them well.........


New member
Where's the face paint? Everyone in our family gets their face painted with their first deer's blood...what can I say it's a family tradition. :D


New member
We don't have that particular tradition, but......

First deer, he's all yours in terms of the gut work. You'll get a little coaching from the veterans, but you'll be the only one getting your hands dirty. Nick was good about it though. He's been with me enough times and seen and helped "hold here" "cut there" that with a little coaching he did a good job. Wasn't queasy about it either.

A buddy of mine who hunts with me had his son along last Saturday. His son is 21 but hasn't hunted that much with him and had never killed a deer or been around much when one was field dressed. When he shot his first on Sat off a man-drive I did, I walked up on him shortly thereafter just about the time his dad got to him. When we told him the first step in dressing out a buck he looked at his dad and said "Oh, Daddy, NO......" I had to walk on back to the truck on that one so as not to hurt the guy's feelings by having a good old belly laugh. Words on a screen just can't transmit the emotion in those three words or the seriousness with which he said them.


Staff In Memoriam
ROFL!!! RR I ain't sure zackly how he said it but the thought of the sheriffs son from smokey and the bandit comes to mind....:D


Staff In Memoriam
Great rednecks must think alike!!! My own "junior" has said some things and done others that amazed me.... I MEAN DROP JAW AMAZED... Luckily he has seen S & the B enuff to know what I mean when I say things like... "When I see yo mamma I am gonna punch her right in the mouth:mad:" or "Don't call me daddy... you need to talk to the garbage man cuz they is no dang way you are from my loins...:eek:" Thanx... you just made my night!:D
Love the snakes and gators remarks too!