First day of Appleseed


New member
I finished my first day of my first Appleseed at a range just west of Ft. Lauderdale FL. Through the thunder, lightning, rain and steamy heat, myself and a stalwart bunch of shooters ranging in age from early teens to late, well late, quite late shot and learned.
The line was populated with mostly 10-22s with a smattering of Savages, a couple of bolt .22s an SKS, and several ARs in .223.
The advancement of the less experienced shooters was remarkable. Patterns turned into groups and the groups moved to the middle of the targets.
The instructors are patient and knowledgable. Overall, a great day of learning and burning powder.
There was only one Rifleman patch awarded. It went to a gent shooting a T/C r55 Benchmark with a final score of 244 out of a possible 250. I'm going back tomorrow to improve on that and then do Known distance (and punish myself) with my DPMS LR 308.



New member
Sounds as tho you had a wonderful time....
I just received my invitation to an Appleseed shoot,and am thinking of going.
Last year i took my daughter to one.Although she didn't fair too,well she enjoyed her self.
With any luck i can get my rifleman patch,but i wont hold my breath as im
not very flexible for some of the positions you have to get into.