First day at the range with the new P-09


New member
It was a brisk 100 degrees at 9AM, with a nice breeze. Beautiful spring day in Arizona.

I was out with my brand new CZ P-09, having arrived yesterday. I wasn't going to wait too long before breaking it in, so after a clean and oil, out we went. I took the widest variety of ammo I could get, but my biggest problem...factory loads. I've reloaded for so long that i had to dig up some older factory ammo to try out, and realized I need some more 9mm defensive factory JHP loads. Oops.

I started off with 10 rounds of my old standby carry load, the Remington standard velocity 115 gr JHP. BTW, yes, it does have a good street record, according to Evan Marshall.

Not bad for very first rounds ever fired through this gun. Recoil was LIGHT, and very manageable.

One interesting surprise, the 135 grain Hydrashoks did well,

But the Remington 115gr JHP reloads I made up a few years ago worked quite well,

She ate everything I fed her without a burble until...

Yes, Virginia, there is an "until"...the home cast lead. The round was too long and fat in the ogive to properly chamber, and twice hung up on feeding. This is the 125 grain Lee single lube groove bullet, so I will try the narrower 124 grain Tumble Lube and see if that works better. I loaded the offending rounds in the Phantom to make sure it was the gun, and it was - worked perfectly in the Phantom. It's just that P-09 chamber is cut shorter so as to say no to .356 cast lead. Oops. Anything else, factory, plated or jacketed bullet reloads, all of those fed perfectly. I just have to play with my lead load to make it work right.

Berrys 115gr HBRN-TP loads, perfect feed and function. Need more of these.



New member
All in all, I was VERY impressed! This is not a CCW pistol for small people, but a solid heavy duty sidearm meant for open carry, on-duty use, nightstand, etc. However, I will mention that High Noon Holsters DID casually mention they have an almost complete lineup of holsters ready for the P-09...

Interestingly enough, when "stacked up" on my normal carry pistol, the CZ SP-01 Phantom, the two are virtually the same size.

Barrel link is different, now a cutout instead of an oval, and the recoil spring is fully captive.

Cool gun, video soon.



New member
Nice write up. That looks like a sweet shooter. I've got a P-01 that should be getting here this weekend. Assuming it performs as flawlessly a I hope, it will be my new every day carry gun. I never cease to be impressed by the weapons CZ rolls out.


New member
The music sucked. And we never saw you hitting the target. All we heard was what sounded like a aluminum pipe being smacked with each shot.
I give it a 3 of 5 stars.


New member
You didn't really expect a lack of insulting criticism around here, did you, now?
I enjoyed it.
And thanks for using a stationary camera.
So, who was whacking the gong with the aluminum bat?


New member
That sound is actually the sound of the overhead cover supports ringing to the shock wave - weird isn't it?
Don't worry, the next one will have the steel target in it - I don't lie about what I can shoot. Here's a video proof of how I roll.

Had a few people critique that one too...have yet to see them post up video of them doing it themselves. :D
Music is a VERY pro gun group called HogJaw, who did the original song at the range they and their buddies were shooting at that day. They're also a local group. ;)


New member
Who the heck goes to the range on a Tuesday morning? Well, besides me, that is...

Answer? EVERYBODY!!! Last time I saw it this crowded was on a weekend. I think the ammo crunch must be easing a bit...

Back to business, took the P-09 out with my for range trip, part two. I took a selection of reloads, as I had flat run out of factory ammo to shoot up. Let the record show that I experienced flawless functioning again - the P-09 ate everything I threw at it, bar none. Ejection was ALL over the place, including three that landed on me...

This was the typical target for this trip, four good ones and a flyer...

I found that it will eat the 124 grain Lee cast slug, being that it is a teeny bit narrower than the 125 grain slug. Not too bad with the results, either.

BE ADVISED, I have been told that CZ-UB does not recommend cast bullets in any CZ pistols. Oops.

I tried using a rifle rest...that didn't work very well. I actually had "rested" groups that were worse than the exact same load fired standing. Here is one good "rested" group. That center hole is 3 rounds.

Using a donated new 124 gr plated bullet, worked well. Thank you!

As the range filled up, and I mean FILLED UP, I decided it was time to boogie, but not without one last fling, as I had noticed I had an old green alien target in the bottom of the bag. The creases were wearing through, sure sign it needed to be shot. So I obliged it, and mounted it at 25 yards. Loaded 19 rounds of Berry's 124gr HBRN-TP over 7.5gr AA#7 and let rip.

Please note the helpful red arrows to show the two complete misses. Other than those two, that exceeds my Dept standards for qualification. All 19 were counted on target, no dropped. Can't wait to try the P-09 with Thugly...that will be this weekend, and THAT one will be on video.
