First cz 75bd Police


New member
Been reading about CZ's for a long time now. Finaly got out on a gun shop tour with a friend yesterday . I picked it up. Loved the way it felt and took it home. Now I just have to find the time to get it out!!!!!!!!! Any advice for the first range session?



New member
Any advice for the first range session?
Just go out and enjoy yourself. Shoot the heck out of it.

My CZ 75B is incredibly reliable and it has been with all loads I've tried in it. Most likely you shouldn't have any problems. If you are unlucky enough to have any issues, most likely a stronger set of springs will do it (call CZ and they'll send them to you) as the ones used by CZ may be a little too weak. My 75B used to be my most accurate handgun, until I picked up my 6" S&W 586 today (that's out of 7 handguns, now 8).

The biggest problem you'll likely face is that CZs are addictive. I now have two (my 9mm CZ 75B and a CZ 40B) and I will get more as my budget permits (I hope to have a CZ 97 and a CZ 100 by the end of the year and a CZ 83 in 9mm Makarov is a strong possibility).


New member
My GF has one. We put 300 rounds of 115g and 50 rounds of 147g Wally-World whitebox through it so far. Did have 2 FTF's with 115g stuff (one event with each of us). It was the first outing with the gun and early on in the session. The problem did not repeat.

We both used it to qualify for our AZ. CCW.

Sweet gun. Feels great, easy recoil, natural to aim. She liked it so much that she's picking up a CZ-97B on the 9th :)


New member
Oh, Airwolf's post reminded me, if you have a hiccup or two during your first 100-200 rounds don't run out and get new springs yet. It seems fairly common to have a hiccup or two during break in and then to have no problems at all after that. My CZ 75 had two minor hiccups during the first 200 rounds and then nothing for over 2000 rounds (I just recently had a minor hiccup again). My CZ 40 had one minor hiccup in the first 100 rounds and hasn't had another one since (though I am just a bit under 1000 rounds).