First Bird


New member
Just had to post this.

My buddy and I just started hunting turkey last year. I missed :eek: a jake last year (it happens :( ) and that was our only shot at one. We missed opening day due to work schedules so we hit the second day of the season. Cold, 40 at most with winds up to 20 mph with spitting rain. Perfect turkey day right?

Anyway, after sitting for two hours with no action we decided to spot and stalk. After working one hill side, we swung around and hit the other side. Within 5 minutes of setting foot in the cedars, it was paydirt. We were both working two gobblers, calling like crazy. BAM. Turkey down.

Within the hour it was on the way home and into the deep fryer. Fresh turkey and a few cold ones made for one hell of a hot opening day!


New member
Congrats on your first bird. It sure is addicting. I think turkey is the most fun and challenging animal I have hunted. Good choice on the deep fried route for turkey, IMO there is nothing better than a good deep fried turkey!


New member

I hunt with my brother. I got two so far and am looking for the third to limit out(Mississippi). We are planning to go to Kansas now. Where are you located and what is the season/limit. (ms is March 15 to May2:three gobblers).


New member
What little hunting I do I find it's not the shooting so much as the hunting. Good friends make a good day much better.