First AR and first Build


New member
It's a BCM 16" LW middy upper with BCM blem lower and Magpul furniture. I have a MBUS gen2 arriving this week. Wanted to have a simple and basic AR that I could modify as I learn and gain experience.

Sorry for the double photo post. Seemed to error out when I tried to upload to the forum.


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New member
Very nice Sir! I dig that and that's kind of been my mindset for this as well...simple AND nice. You achieved that!

I've been looking at the BCM stuff as well for a build. Well, I wouldn't call it a "build" per se...complete upper & complete lower (CA compliant for me :(). But I saw a M&P Sport at a LGS & that might be a more cost-effective way to get into the AR game. So now I'm just confused and



New member
And how's that blem lower? I was looking at those too, but what did that translate too? I scratch you can't really see? A scuff somewhere? I'm curious...


Billy Shears

New member
That's a real nice setup. And with BCM components you know she'll shoot great. Congrats.

But...a technical question for the group, does slapping a complete upper onto a mostly complete lower truly consitute a "build?"


New member
So here's the thing, build and assemble are tricky words on gun forums. Some members don't care and interchange them while others care a lot to the point they have specific sub forums on true builds. In the interest of not boasting about something I didn't do, the gun was assembled from a complete upper and a complete lower. I do have a different trigger on order which I may or may not install as the BCM LPK is supposed to be pretty good. So, to answer the question, I do think assembling an AR is different than a build.

As to the M&P question; I'm no CA gun requirements expert but I was under the impression that you could say, get a Colt 6920 and have a bullet button installed to make it CA compliant?


New member
Sigcurious is, unfortunately, correct. That's just the way it goes here.

The part about the M&P Sport wasn't really a question, but a statement. I found one at an LGS and I kinda like it, so it's an option. The actual question in my post was about the BCM blem lower and what, exactly, is "blem" on the lower you have?


the governor

New member
Great build!! I just ordered the first parts for my first build today. I'm also going with a BCM 16" mild upper.

Let us know how the BCM shoots.


New member
Sigcurious is, unfortunately, correct. That's just the way it goes here.

The part about the M&P Sport wasn't really a question, but a statement. I found one at an LGS and I kinda like it, so it's an option. The actual question in my post was about the BCM blem lower and what, exactly, is "blem" on the lower you have?


There is no blemish that I could find. Finish looks great, no scratches or dings anywhere. Most people who get this deal find nothing wrong. So,other than the old style rollmark there is nothing different from a non-blem.


New member
Many times BCM "blem" lowers are so insignificant that a lot of people cant find anything wrong at all.

If youre looking to get introduced to the AR game, the M&P sport will do just fine. The BCM is undeniably better quality and will probably last longer under brutal conditions, but not everyone needs that. (Maybe you can build one later after you know the ins and outs and know exactly what you want).


New member
Thanks guys! So it sounds like blem is the way to go budget-wise...good to know :). Also, I did find a complete BCM lower on GB for $289, I believe. Bullet button & ready to ship to CA. Sounded like a good deal to me, but I saw it a couple weeks ago. May not be there any more.

I'm definitely leaning that way, Koop. The more I lay it all out in my head, the more reality sets in and all things continue to point to the M&P...for now. Even one of the old codgers down at the shop bought one as his first AR & he loves it..."Dust cover?? For what? Does it look like I'm gonna be running around a jungle or a desert somewhere? Forward assist? You don need it...figure it out!" He was cracking me up.



New member
Colt makes a CA compliant 6920, but the way the laws are enforced here I wouldn't chance having the compliant version of something that's specifically prohibited(See Here, Bottom of Thread) in another version. I'd rather have something that can no way be interpreted as being on the prohibited list


New member
Additional pics

Here are some additional pics taken shortly after the first range trip. Fired 240 rounds; mixed UMC with WWB. No issues at all. Miniscule round count I know but, we all have to start somewhere.


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