firing pin block on Ruger MkIII?


New member
I was just looking at another thread earlier that involved Ruger .22 pistols, and it got me wondering...

Ruger 10/22s have what they call a firing pin block, which puts them among the few rimfire guns that can be dry-fired without worry. Do the Ruger Mk III pistols have the same feature? I have one and never thought about it (haven't ever attempted to dry fire it).


New member
I believe all Ruger rimfires are dry fire safe.

Basically, the firing pin is designed to not go forward far enough to hit the chamber edge.

Walt Sherrill

New member
It's not a firing pin block -- it's called a firing pin stop. (That's what Ruger calls it in the parts lists in the user manual.)

A firing pin block, as the term is generally used, is designed to stop the firing pin from moving unless the trigger has been pulled.

In the case of the Ruger MK series guns, the "stop" is used to keep the firing pin from hitting the chamber edge when the trigger is pulled, and there's no cartridge present.

(In some other guns, a firing pin stop is used to keep the firing pin in place inside the slide.)