Firing indoors: Flash Hider, or no Flash Hider?


New member
This is my home defense rifle....

It is a very purpose built machine tailored to my house and occupants.

The whole goal of this rifle was to have the most effective tool that I and Mrs. could use, all while doing the most to cut down on concussion and noise.

Paired with my handloads for this, its DRAMATICALLY more pleasant than firing factory hornady ammo. I haven't bought a can yet and don't plan to for the next few years or so. So do not tell me to get a can, I know that would be best.

Question is, to make this the most pleasant to shoot in indoors, would you leave the A2 flash hider on? Or do you take it off?

In my experience, a 308 with a break is much more unpleasant to shoot than one without, speaking of concussion of course. And on such a starved charge of 1680 and a 16 inch barrel, I don't believe flash to be a big deal. Its all about concussion here.

I have fired it indoors once so far for the sake of my handloads. But didn't mess with the muzzle device at all. Now I'm curious and want to hear your thoughts.

Also noteworthy. 300 AAC penetration test.
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New member
Without a can, about the best thing to hang on the muzzle is something like a KAK Flashcan. AAC was coming out with something similar, but i havent seen em in the wild yet.

Both options are purpose built to direct whatever blast you have downrange AWAY from the shooter.


New member
I'm a big fan of keeping home defense long guns as short as possible, I wouldn't add a can. If using handloads, you probably don't need the flash hider. Seriously, in a home defense weapon, does hiding your flash from the intruder in your home really matter? If removing it reduces concussion and makes the gun more pleasant to shoot, rip it off.


New member
Without getting into the whole debate about using a rifle for 'in home defense...' all rifles are violent when fired indoors... unless you are using a can and appropriate ammunition. That being said, the A2 flash hider might add a miniscule amount of blast vs what you mentioned (.308 w/muzzle brake.)


New member
The problem is that indoors, the sound will bounce regardless of your muzzle device.

That being said directing it away from the shooter will at least reduce some of the blast to the ears.

A linear comp might work... Others have mentioned similar ideas.

Some break manufacturers offer a blast diverter to go on their muzzle breaks for indoor shooting/training.


New member
Personally, I would run full velocity ammo in my gun, get a set of Wolf Ears electronic shooting muffs:D
Shooting anything indoors is going to be LOUD. Save your hearing.
My 9” .300 is a kitten compared to a 16” 5.56 on flash and blast. No flash at all at dusk (AAC 3-prong flashhider). I’d guess an A2 flashhider will be plenty effective for a 16” barrel as you noted.

I’ve shot an A2/5.56 side by side with the same length bare crown/5.56 and I’ve never noticed a different sound/blast wise. As a general rule, flash hiders don’t really display the same noise issues as muzzle brakes/compensators; but there are a bunch of hybrid muzzle devices now that try to do both.


New member
There are some pretty compelling pictures and videos for why a flash hider.

Reportedly - something to read up on or even test yourself, the shorter the barrel the greater the need for the flash hider and the length you need to get to a reasonable point with 5.56 might be 18 inches or more.

The major problem I see is it's interrupting your line of sight.

If I was putting much thought into the subject I'd take my intended rifle minus the flash hider and would dump a mag in the dark, see what happens and if you are OK with it.


New member

I need to try shooting it in the shop again with the birdcage on and off. I just don't like doing it if I don't have to.

Probably just go out to the range near dusk and shoot with it on and off.

44 AMP

"Flash hider" has become the generic term used in casual conversation like "Kleenex" and Band Aid" and "silencer" once a name for a certain specific thing, now used as general term for everything in that group.

I think the suggestion of the electronic muffs is a smart, simple, and relatively cheap thing, the even have ones now that will amplify normal hearing but damp out the harmful effect of gunfire.

Another option for reduced muzzle blast is simply going with a different (smaller) round. 9mm Luger is very popular these days, and switching an AR is simple with the right parts (complete upper, and mags)/

9mm out of a 16" barrel isn't nearly as "loud" , and doesn't require downloading.

However,, everything is louder than you think, fired indoors. One of the many lies TV and movies get away with is not showing the actual effects of gunfire on unprotected hearing in enclosed spaces.


New member
I do feel the need to say that if I would actually have to use my rifle indoors, there wouldn't be time to put on muffs.

That's just kinda far from reality. Just no time to put it on if someone is trying to do me harm.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...with a break..." A muzzle brake is not the same thing as a flash hider. Inside a flash hider won't hide anything either.
"...don't believe flash to be a big deal..." Shut the lights off, if you can, the next time you shoot your rifle inside.
Oh and one shot from a .22 LR, never mind a cf cartridge, inside, without hearing protection is enough to cause instant and permanent hearing damage.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
"Flash hider" does not hide the flash from the shootee. It reduces the amount of light seen by the shooter, reducing the loss of night vision.