
michael t

New member
I was looking at a Star Firestar in 40 today. I know Star not around anymore,but Ive heard these are really nice little pistols . Iam just wondering about parts, springs,mags, ect. Worth the chance? Shop wants $300


New member
had one in both 9mm and 40. Very nicely made, although a bit heavy. Accuracy wasn't too bad either. I really enjoyed them but parts are hard to get as Star is no longer in existence.


New member
I've had an M-43 Firestar for several years, and a Star BM for a LONG time. I've never actually needed parts for either, but did come across a place called "Bob's Gun Shop" that has about the best supply of Star parts I've ever seen. Bought an extra firing pin for the BM anyway! Not cheap, but he'll likely have what you need.


Eric Larsen

New member
You sure could give me one....hell the last Firestar plus I had cost around 250$ and I miss that gun..........
They are nice guns, well made and very good CCW's but parts can be hard to find............thats the ONLY downer about them.
Shoot well.

Walt Sherrill

New member
I'm with Eric.

I've had several, including the .40 mentioned above. Very nice gun. Accurate, compact. But HEAVY!! Not alloy, steel!

The only real problem with parts that I've heard about are extractors for the .40 model, so that is a matter of real concern. But, then, I've only heard of a few breaking or needing replacement.

I've still got a Firestar Plus, which has the alloy frame. Small, compact, accurate, and light. Not as light as Kel-Tec P-11, but not much bigger. And hi-caps can be found for it. (13 rounders.)

I'll probably sell mine, one of these days, as I don't think I've shot it in a year or two... (My Cz-75 Compact replaced it. The Firestar Plus replaced my Kel-Tec P-11.)