Fired a Hi-Point .45 Today


New member
I fired my best friend's Hi-Point .45 today. He bought this pistol from his brother for $75.00.

General Impressions (disregarding everything I've read about the Hi-Points)?

The pistol is a strange, seemingly primitive design. The slide is a huge block of steel covered with some form of polymer coating. There is an ejection port on the right side of the slide, and a safety lever on the left (it doubles as a manual slide stop). The slide does not lock back after the last round has been fired, and the gun is single action only with a sprongy trigger.

The magazine release is at the bottom of the grip, behind the magazine well. You have to push a button upwards to release the magazine, making quick reloading difficult.

The sights were of a 3-dot type (orange colored). They were kind of small, but they worked.

Firing Impressons?

I am by no means a master pistolero. So my impression comes from that of a novice.

We fired 3-D brand .45ACP FMJ reloads (the cheap stuff). My friend said his pistol had trouble with that before, but the only trouble had this time was the slide not going into battery two or three times.

Aside from those three instances, the pistol performed well enough. It was Coke(tm) can accurate at twenty five feet.

It noticed that the recoil was quite stout, strange given the weight and bulk of the pistol. Could this be a side effect of a large blockback design (as opposed to breach locked)? It's rare you see a full-size blowback pistol.

In conclustion, the Hi-Point is my friend's only pistol, not because he thinks its the best ever but because he can't afford another one right now (being a college student is tough). He likes it, though, and I'll admit, it makes a fun plinker. For the $130 or so they cost, it's not a bad range plinker. I sure as hell wouldn't bet my life on one, though.

NC out.


New member
what would be a good college kid gun? ($250 dollars or less that you would depend on to save your life.)

Makarov (very cheap used military, ammo is cheap too)
EEA-Windicator (and pray you don't ever have to talk to customer service)
Rossi revolvers
Kel-Tec P32 or P11
Bersa Thunder


New member
All in all, I consider the Hi-Point to be the same as a happy meal toy. Fun for a little while, but it'll probably break before too long anyway.


New member
are you serious?

They tried way back in 1968 with the GCA, they banned certain types of low-quality small weapons made overseas under the point system. As a result that's why we have the domestic cheap crap guns (Jennings, Hi-Point).

There's basically two sides to the arguement:

1. If we ban the cheap guns then that will stop criminals from just droping guns because they'd lose their profit margin because their guns might be more expensive that what the quickie mart had in the cash register. Criminals holding onto their weapons will make tracking them with forensics easier. (kind of far fetched, the presence of a gun isn't enough to convict, majority of robberies at gun point don't envolve shots fired.)

2. I prefer criminals have ineffective, very unreliable weapons, guns exist on a continium with other weapons, that's why you see robberies with knives especially in "gun-controlled" states.

Tropical Z

New member
A Jennings is likely to fly apart on you at any given time,a Hi-Point is not.They are reliable,inexpensive,accurate and fun as hell to shoot.They are heavy,but i LOVE mine!
As always,Hi-Points RULE!!!:D


New member
The pistol has probably had two or three hundred rounds for it. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it breaks.

If it doesn't? Well, it's still a crude design, but if it works, what the hell.


New member
This poor college kid carries a full size 1911 in a Sparks holster on a Mitch Rosen belt. Tell your buddy to eat ramen or baked potatoes/chicken nuggets once a day for food rations. After about a month or six of that he'll be good to go on the high quality pistols ;)

Ceol Mhor

New member
This college kid would be carrying his fullsize 1911 too, if he could get a CCW at age 18 in Colorado. :mad:

I really must weasel my was into possession of one in Indiana when school starts...


New member
My friend goes to a private school, with tuition being somewhere along the lines of $4000 a semester. So, there's that to consider. He's not as big into shooting as I am, and currently none of us have CCWs (I don't even own a handgun yet).


New member
I saw a cop use one of those Hi-Point type pistols in a Police Pistol Combat match once. He got through the match and accuracy seemed OK out to 15 or 20 yards. I wouldn't buy one, even if I didn't have a .45, because the blocky look puts me off.
I would mind if the gun grabbers got them banned though.

(I am not a cop, just shot with some of them on the range.)


New member
Nightcrawler- I hope you meant $40000 and not $4000...if its $4000 that's a bargain!

Ceol Mhor- We're gonna have to shoot our .45s this fall together! Hopefully mine will be working by then! :barf: