Firearms/Weapons License Renewal & the Pandemic


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Just curious what issues, if any, you all have experienced renewing licenses during the pandemic. In Georgia it is called a Weapons License and must be renewed at the County Probate Court.

In Georgia the courts were closed for several months and my permit ran out. There was a three month extension on the renewal, but I still could not get an appointment before my license expired. This resulted in me being forced to go through a full renewal which wasn't difficult, but cost twice as much as it should have.

Ok, I know most of us believe licenses/permits should not be necessary for carry, but just curious how it is going in other States? Does any State allow on-line renewal? Why not allow on-line renewal if they already have our fingerprints and photo?
BarryLee said:
Ok, I know most of us believe licenses/permits should not be necessary for carry, but just curious how it is going in other States? Does any State allow on-line renewal? Why not allow on-line renewal if they already have our fingerprints and photo?
Some states allow on-line renewals, but I don't have a list.

I got caught up in this a few years ago. I have non-resident licenses/permits from several states. Florida allows renewal by mail -- but (as of my last renewal) they still required even renewals to submit a new fingerprint card, which had to be done by a local police department in your home state. That could be a problem during COVID-19 if your local PD isn't open for such business.

In 2014, I had to renew both Connecticut and Pennsylvania. CT is issued by the State Police, and I'm not that far away from their State Police headquarters. PA issues on a country basis -- my PA permit is from Centre County, which is (of course) more or less in the center of the state. That's where Penn State is located. I originally got it by mail and had renewed it by mail. Connecticut had always required me to show up to renew.

In 2013 or 2014 they switched -- CT went to on-line renewals, but PA changed to requiring renewal applicants to appear in person. So I can now renew CT on-line, saving a couple of hours of driving time, but I have to travel all the way to Bellefont, PA, to renew that one. For me, that's a full day behind the wheel (and a long day, at that).



New member
I renewed my Illinois concealed carry license back in September 2020. It expired in November 2020. I still haven't seen my new card. I think, but not sure, the Illinois State Police said it could take up to 6 months to process renewals. So I guess I have to wait another month to see. At least they are extending expired CCLs. The expiration date we are supposed to use is "Covid-19".


New member
You can renew by mail in Cobb County, but you still have to sign the application in front of a notary - so the requirement appears to be focused on proof of identity, which I have no problem with.

I renewed in-person in the fall. 30 Minutes out of my day was no big deal.


New member
BarryLee---in Minnesota I heard we had the same problem you did, the wait time was about 3 months to get an appointment to submit your paper work.

Many folk were faced with the situation that their permits were going to expire and then they would have to pay the "full" price to get a permit instead of the lower price for a renewal.

IIRC (and I might be wrong here) the "Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus" threatened legal action and additional stations were set up to accept applications for first timers AND renewals.

P.S. I guess getting the permit only took a couple weeks, which is what it took before Covid. The big delay was in scheduling an appointment to submit your request.

Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus:


New member
I let mine expire years ago as I’m law enforcement and can carry with my badge if I have qualified with the gun. These days, I like to change my carry rotation and duty ammo (must qualify with what you carry or a ballistic equivalent) is quite expensive to use to qualify... so I’m trying to get my ccw. I set up an appointment back in February I believe... for June! I must appear in person, and I may wait 90 additional days after my appointment to actually get my permit.

When I first got it, I just walked in and filled out the paperwork, brought in fingerprint cards a few days later, and got my permit in about 6 weeks. The 90 days wait is a statutory thing, it can’t take longer than 90 days. Many sheriffs are in the habit of waiting, even if they aren’t backed up.

To be honest, this isn’t even so much a Covid thing as it is a perfect storm of everyone wanting a gun and to have a carry license. 10 years ago it was very rare that I got a DCI message on a traffic stop that someone had a carry permit. Now almost half of the people I encounter (that aren’t straight criminals) have a carry permit. I’m all for it too! Too bad very few people actually carry... but I love it when someone I encounter tells me they’re carrying. They get a kudos, and sometimes are surprised that a cop is happy that they’re carrying a gun around.


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I renewed in Pennsylvania (Meadville courthouse) at Christmastime. No difficulty at all considering we were in a "pandemic". They mail you the laminated card (in my case to Florida).


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5whiskey, here in Illinois when a check is ran on the traffic stop the dispatcher informs the officer if the driver has a carry license even before the officer leaves his car. We are not required to inform officer that we are carrying, unless he asks. I asked a friend of mine that is a county deputy about this. He likes knowing if a traffic stop has a carry license. Not because of the "heads up there's a gun" but because he knows that chances are real good that the person he stopped is a law abiding citizen. They have passed all the background checks. Sets his mind a little more at ease on those 2:00am stops.


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In Utah, the initial issue was in person (when I got mine, many years ago) with your application and class/training certification along with prints and photos.

As long as my permit hasn’t expired, or been suspended/revoked, I can renew it through mail. Print and fill out the renewal paperwork, send a current passport style photo, and a check for $20ish. Good for 5 years, think my next renewal is next year.


New member
In Utah, the initial issue was in person (when I got mine, many years ago) with your application and class/training certification along with prints and photos.

As long as my permit hasn’t expired, or been suspended/revoked, I can renew it through mail. Print and fill out the renewal paperwork, send a current passport style photo, and a check for $20ish. Good for 5 years, think my next renewal is next year.
I got my Utah by mail initially and renewed earlier this year by mail. On the initial permit, I had to send the training certificate, photo and application along with money. The renewal was filling the little form they sent, a photo and money. It was seamless.

I renewed my Virginia permit last year through the mail with no issues.