Firearms Trading Sites


New member
Just outta curiosity what trade sites do you go to when looking for deals or just to see what's out on the market? Could apply to more than just firearms, for example I deal occasionally in rare balisong knives, but firearms are the primary trade.

Gunbroker is the most obvious but I've also used Armslist (used to use it a lot more until they eliminated the ability to search by caliber...) and Midwest Gun Trader here in KS.


New member
Looked at but never used gun broker. Heard about arms list, never looked.

If I'm looing for prices or availability, its gonna be Impact guns, or buds guns. then off to the LGS to buy or order.


New member
If it isn't my LGS or a gun show, I buy from These days, I just look since I don't need anything, I just hope for a bargain.