Firearms Related Tattoos


New member
Whos got one? Just curious. I didn't think about this till today, but I know some of you crazy dudes have a Browning Buck, or that Ruger Phoenix thingy. Shout 'em out. I actually knew a guy that had a band of Mossy Oak Breakup on his arm. I've got a Colt M-4 ( Part of my helmet, boots and rifle tattoo) on my arm. Who got crazy and creative? And anyone that posts a Glock tattoo story will be shot. :rolleyes: J/K! But not really....:barf:


New member
I know a man with one of a ruger symbol on his arm. It looks very nice. I would love to have something similiar but cant seem to take the plunge.


New member
For what its worth....

I got covered in tattoo's when i was younger. Now I get to enjoy wearing both a bullet proof vest and long sleeve shirts everyday at work. It's not the same but i bought a bunch of Glock onesies for my 2 month old son. Just thought i'd start him off right. You cant believe the looks i get from people with my Glock advertising infant.

PS... Glock, if you're out there help a poor Deputy out with a college fund for a little Glock supporter....and a free Glock 26 for his father.
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New member
Click here to see an idiot with a gun tattoo. Go down to the bottom. :D

If anyone does get a gun tattoo, for the love of all that is holy, get a good one. Don't go to someone just because they're close. And cheap tattoos aren't good tattoos.

For those of you who enjoy hunting, Tom Renshaw would probably be right up your alley. Check out his galleries, and click on Wildlife. The guy is amazing!


New member
Wow Tenma, that has got to be the dumbest criminal I've ever heard of. Just, wow. And Deadcoyote, I once had someone refer to my helmet, boots and rifle tattoo as, and I quote," a gang tattoo." Since it was a woman, I just told her that yes, it was a gang tattoo. I was part of the biggest, meanest gang in the whole world. The US military. Then I continued on my way. Some people.


New member
I have DNR on my chest (do not resuscitate, not dept of nat. resources)

if I got a tat I'd be torn between a Ruger tat and a Colt tat, maybe a S&W


New member
Hmm, Colt? Isn't Colt's logo the word Colt? I think I'd prefer a picture. Ruger's "Chokin Chicken" would be my choice. And DNR is hilarious! I actually have another tattoo on my shoulder, but it's kinda embarrasing. It says " Friendly fire is never friendly, and it's always accurate.", over a tiny grenade shrapnel wound. About the size of a .22. My buddy shorted an M203 grenade, and I took a piece of it in my shoulder. :eek: He still, to this day, maintains that I shouldn't have been standing there. I just rebut with, " You're my friend, and you shot me." It makes him feel bad enough that he gives in. :)


New member
Unfortunately, he doesn't drink. But oh, if only he did...... That would have been good for at least a keg when we got home. ;)


New member
Wifes tats, actually.




New member
ArmoredMan, I can't get those pics to show up, but I'm massively curious.
And, of course, Lahey you are absolutely right. I totally forgot about that horse on the globe thing.

Tex S

New member
Does a Yosemite Sam gunslinger tat count? I personally dont have one, but I know somebody out there does. Lets see the pic!