Firearms Related Resolutions

Shadi Khalil

New member
Happy New Year All!

I was cleaning my guns today and was thinking about resolutions I've made for this year. Most of them pertain to health and work, two things I consider to be important on a personal level. That got me thinking about my guns and how important shooting is to me so I decided to make some firearm related resolutions...

1) Make the most out of my access to private shooting land with more real life training set ups rather than finding cool stuff to shoot with my brother in law.

2) learn how to completely strip all my guns and better understand how they work.

3) Do more for 2A activism then write a check.

4) Get the balling rolling on my wife's CCW. Classes, training and helping her final find a carry gun she likes.

5) Take up hunting. I've been once with my father in law who is a avid hunter but have not been since.

6) improve my marksmanship.

Those are some of mine. Any got any they want to share?


New member
1) get an H&R buffalo classic 45-70
2) hunt with each weapon I own, from .22LR to that 45-70 (if i get it)
3) get my fiance as addicted to varmint hunting as I am (yotes and coon)
4) hunt from my papaw's old stand (he passed away last summer)


New member
1. Get FFL (app going in tomorrow!).
2. Get a couple military styled guns, M1A and an AR.
3. Join a gun club and become more proficient at long range shooting.
4. Spend a bunch of $ on Tannerite (for #3).
5. Shoot more with my kids.