Firearms on Wall Street


New member
Are any firearms manufacturers publicly traded? I wouldn't mind owning a few stocks in a corporation that I really beleived in and rather than looking for a quick buck. I am thinking of a long term investment but I cant seem to find info on gun corps. that issue stock?:cool:


Did firearms manufacturers' stock values go up with the news that both houses of congress have passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act?

I would imagine that an industry that will soon be out from under the burden of MILLIONS of $$ in legal fees to defend countless frivolous lawsuits might look better to investors suddenly.

And by the way, have any of those companies that have been sued (which ones haven't been?!) managed to countersue, or get court/legal costs back from the failed plaintiffs? I sure hope so.

It's not as though we should be easy on the losing side (the anti-gunners) now that our industry is protected; you know sure as shootin' that they'll be back soon with some other half-assed, dishonest, disingenuous scheme to get a back-door gun ban through somehow...



New member
Funny, I clicked on the link thinking about handguns in the stock exchange. lol I used to work in Wall Street (but didn't carry).


New member
I owned some Colt stock years ago, then they went private. I think we made out all right but it was interesting while it lasted. Now I believe they have gone public again.


New member

Sturm, Ruger is listed as RGR - closed yesterday at $7.35 and is a "recommended stock" by Dick Young (the only advisor that I have any faith in); Smith & Wesson is listed as SWB and closed at $5.15. Others in the industry for ammo, etc. can also be found for investing.
Hope this answers your question.
Charlotte, NC