firearms myths you hear the most?


New member
what are the firearms myth you hear the most?

the ones i hear the most:

a .357 mag will shoot clean thru an engine block.

if you are shot in the chest with a .50bmg your limbs will fly off.

the sound of a a slide racking on a pump shot gun will scare the b/g right off.

if you carry .45acp you dont have to worry about hollow points, ball will do just as well.


New member
Yea and the biggest myth i hear all the time from so many in gun stores is about RECOIL.

Don't tell someone that they shouldn't buy a gun because of recoil.Some retard did this to my wife the other day while out window shopping.We got looking at some sigs and right away this chump came up and started asking why she needed that gun (sig 239 chambered in 357 sig).She replied that she liked it.He replied all she needed was a .38 the recoil wouldn't be that bad.To which she replied the recoil wasn't that bad in the gun she shot (sig 229 357 sig),he said it would be way worse in that small of a gun.As with most shops she has been to,she got mad and told me we were leaving.For this reason alone we shop on-line.

I understand you should let a person know about recoil from a S&W .500 but come on,most guns aren't that bad,nor is the recoil they produce.:confused::mad:


New member
Heard this one from a gun shop employee just a few days ago, but it's a common one. It's that even a miss with a .50 BMG can often prove deadly. As the gun shop employee put it, "Even if you're off the mark by 4 or 5 feet, the energy would still tear someone's face off."


New member
high brass and low brass shotshells

Another myth - that low brass shotshells mean less power than high brass shells.
I walked in to a store prior to Upland season one year.
"Hiya, what'd you need?"
"Oh, just a box of shells for grouse."
"Well, your gonna need high brass shells for that"
"Yep, here...these'll work just fine".

And he sold me a box of Remington Heavy Dove loads, which do, in fact, work just fine. And are low brass.

roy reali

New member
Hunting Myths

1. A non-magnum cartridge will bounce off of deer.

2. 30-30's are worthless beyond one hundred yards.

3. Birdshot out of a 12 gauge hits harder then out of a 20 gauge.

4. 22 rimfires are more lethal then any centerfire cartridge.


New member
- (fill in the blank) _______ caliber is inherently inaccurate.
- 5.56mm has no stopping power and is only good for gophers
- .45 ACP is a magic bullet that cause people to drop dead just by showing them a round
- birdshot won't shoot through a a wall at ten feet but will still stop a bad guy at 40 feet
- .50 caliber single shot rifles can down an airliner
- democrats can be pro-gun
- all republicans are pro-gun

Uncle Buck

New member
"He had what appeared to be an assault rifle, so..." This is in the local paper. After writing and asking, I am waiting for them to tell me what an assault rifle is.

.22 cal is the best short range sniper round available.

If you ever shoot someone with a .45, the limb you hit will fall right off and it leaves an exit hole the size of a small car tire.

You need this one! The (insert gun/caliber) you have just is not reliable for shooting varmints.
A new one came to me from a friend who's not technical. It was that military rifles have faster twist barrels than civilian barrels because a faster spinning bullet is more deadly.


New member
More a media myth than anything, but here are two:

Handguns are deadlier than long guns.

Assault weapons are more powerful than hunting rifles.


New member
You guys are gonna love (read 'hate') this one. Being from one of the many, many countries out there that sadly does not understand guns, self-defense, or even the idea of taking responsibility for your own safety, I sometimes hear this one from my colleagues when they come over to the US:

"You shouldn't beep you horn at other drivers in America! They're probably carrying a gun."


New member
Bullet impact will knock someone off their feet (and even send them flying).

This reminds me of the movie gun myths they did in Mythbusters. My favorite movie-gun myth is that any gun can shoot through any lock, period.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Knockdown Power

I'm with Brickeyee on this one.

Without a doubt the most common myth I've ever heard regarding firearms is knockdown power. It's amazing prevelent even among people who should know better.


New member
firearms myths you hear the most?

* The Seecamp LWS32 only works with Winchester Silver Tips. Wrong

* The ____fill in the blank____ .380acp is too big for the caliber. Makes no sense what so ever.