Firearms manufacturing and sales


New member
Interesting that Kel-tec shipped more than Century and Beretta.

You can also see where the AR glut came to a head in the election year.


New member
Who is RP Abrasives & Machine?

A quick search yielded nothing useful. The best I could come up with was some minor involvement with the Mk 38 Mod 3 'machine gun' more than five years ago. (I believe standard nomenclature would actually classify it as a cannon, but, whatever, that's not the point.)

Who are they? What are the 50,000+ rifles/receivers that they manufactured?


New member
I can find no mention of FN in rifles or handguns. They make a bunch of guns in South Carolina, that is US production. Nothing about Winchester either and they are owned by FN now. I suppose they might be in with imports, but not listed by manufacturer.
I don't think Winchester makes anything these days, they are just a shell corporation that licenses the name. As far as I know, all "Winchester" brand firearms are now made in Japan.
Frankenmauser, if I remember your background correctly, if you don't know, I'm not so sure anyone would would unless someone is employed there...


New member
I am surprised that SCCY manufactured almost as many handguns as Kel-Tec, Springfield, and Beretta combined. Pretty good success for a relatively new company.

I'm sure the low price was a major factor, but then it wasn't for me. I wanted a small, lightweight 9mm with a high capacity for rural walking and if filled that bill well.


New member
Frankenmauser, if I remember your background correctly, if you don't know, I'm not so sure anyone would would unless someone is employed there...
One o' them places, eh...

My security clearance has long since expired, but I believe that is what you were referencing...?