Firearms in Wyoming and Montana Nat'l Forests


New member
My son and I are planning to take a road trip next month. We're planning to do some exploring, hiking, and prospecting in several National Forests in northern Wyoming and southwest Montana.

Does anyone know the laws about possessing and carrying firearms in these areas? I'd like to open-carry a revolver and maybe even a rifle, but I'd also prefer not to end up in jail.

One other question, in case we end up at Yellowstone. I know you're basically not supposed to possess firearms in National parks, but I think it's okay to have them cased, unloaded, and inaccessible in your car if you're just driving through. So, can you stop and check out the sights in Yellowstone if you've got some guns cased in your car?

If anyone knows, I'd really appreciate the info.

Covert Mission

New member
Off the top of my head re: MT, but check with for links to state laws:

Nat'l forests are ok. Open carry ok there, but not within city/town limits. Carry in vehicle ok in MT, loaded and concealed w/o CCW, but not on person. If you have a CCW already, issued by a state agency, it may be recognized in MT. check again

Yellowstone: the signs at the park entrances clearly state NO FIREARMS unless broken down (how do you do that easily with a revolver, pray tell?), unloaded, and stored in area inaccessible from driver area. They know that many people drive through the park w/guns, esp in hunting season. I just keep my pistol unloaded in a lockbox, with mag separate (on my person, usually), either in the back of the Explorer or the trunk. Unless you're doing something really foolish, you won't have a problem, i assume. Have a great trip.
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Fred Hansen

New member
What Covert said. Be prepared to take in the vision of what heaven must look like. When I got to Deer Lodge pass on I-90, I knew that I was blessed to be in the most beautiful place on Earth. Have a great time and a safe trip.:)


New member
I'm guessing you'll be having a Minnesota LTC.

The first thing you should do, if you want to CCW in more than a few states, is to get an CWFL from Florida. Costs a lot at first, 117 plus a NRA certified training course that requires that you fire a handgun safely, but it'll be valid in 17 states (only Michigan and New Hampshire will refuse to recognize non-resident permits from Florida, whereas they will accept FL resident permits).

Florida has been the most agressive state for getting reciprocity agreements of any shall-issue carry states. I'm hoping that in the future we can start opening up our own reciprocity a bit (we don't recognize non-resident licenses, so you are SOL unless you get a Florida carry permit...more $$ for the state that way), and we require "scratching our back", which sucks, but unlike most other agencies that always lolligag on reciprocity (West Virginia and Michigan are agregious examples on this), Florida goes farther than anyone.

Again, and clicking on State CCW information is the best bet you have.