Firearm Training in Massachusetts?


New member
I'm in a bad place for gun training. Financially, I can't afford the cost of joining a gun club so I'm looking to a place called Bob's Tactical and Shooting Range in Salisbury, MA as it's relatively close, and affordable. They also have NRA instructors on staff so I could take in a private lesson now and again. Not a bad deal really. However, I'd love to be able to attend a seminar program to build on my skills. I want to evenually be able to take the NRA pistol instructor's program but that's just unrealistic until I get more experience under my belt. The problem, is how to do it. I can't afford hotel stays and from what I've seen, Sig is out in New Hampshire and Smith and Wesson is way out in Springfield. I just can't win. :confused: I live in Peabody which is an hour north of Boston. I rely on public transportation and so traveling out to New Hampshire and Springfield is out of the question -- as is Northboro which is the ONLY location GOAL offers classes. What the Hell do people have against local areas? I just want to find some place near by, easy to get to. It seems everyone just has classes in one place only, and typically way out in the middle of nowhere. Does anyone from Massachusetts know of a place north of Boston or in the heart of Boston where I could further my training? Thanks in advance. :)


New member
Thanks for the tip! I don't suppose Boston Gun and Rifle in Dot. has a web page? I look on the Net but I never seem to come up with anything. Anyway, at least I have a place to check out now, thank you. D :D


New member

Did you call up the NRA and ask them for the name of an NRA training counselor? I know there's one in Medford. Dunno where he runs his classes...

If you're in Peabody, then you're not too far from either Reading Rifle & Revolver and Danvers Fish & Game. Both may be hard to get to on public transit, though. In terms of membership, I'd suggest that you call them up and explain your financial situation. They may be able to work something out (e.g., work party hours in exchange for part of dues).

One final issue, in terms of being an instructor, to run your own classes you need to have a bunch of guns (and a vehicle to transport them in).


Bam Bam

New member
Check the website for the Gun Owners Action League. That is the MA state 2nd Am. rights organization. Their newsletter, The Outdoor Messenger, always has ads for firearms training schools. Best of luck to you.


New member
I second SPG:
Boston Gun and Rifle
1483 Dot. Av. (Field's Corner)
Jackie Beard
Bob Phillips
Mike Janus