Firearm Shipping Question?


New member
My wife is out visiting her family in CT, her brother was recently given 5 rifles/shotguns and 3 pistols from an older gentleman. My brother-in-law does not shoot or know anything about firearms so he decided to give me all the rifles/pistols and ammunition.

The problem is how do I get these back to me out west. My wife will be flying out next week. I know you can check firearms in at the airport for transport, how many can you check in? If I have them shipped what would my wife need to do? Do the guns have to be shipped separately or can the all be placed in one package? What would I need to do on my end?


New member
What's the destination? I'm in California...shipping out of this particular state is a serious PITA, not sure of other states. Shipping from here requires you to use a regional hub if using FEDEX or UPS. You could also ship from an FFL in the originating state. Shipping in is better...they'd need to be sent to an FFL, so you'd want to prearrange that with whichever receiving shop you've chosen.

As far as claiming them at the airport and such, no idea there. Best choice would be to talk with the airline.

BTW, welcome to the forum!


New member
Thanks. I am in WY. Trying to keep the cost down as much as I can. None of the guns are worth much or would be my choice in buying a firearm but I still cannot turn down free guns.


New member
Here in Wisconsin you only have to go through an FFL if you are buying the gun. You can ship it to yourself or a gunsmith for repairs using UPS or Fedex I believe. I don't think the USPS will do firearms.

Don H

New member
(B2) From whom may an unlicensed person acquire a firearm under the GCA? [Back]

A person may only acquire a firearm within the person’s own State, except that he or she may purchase or otherwise acquire a rifle or shotgun, in person, at a licensee's premises in any State, provided the sale complies with State laws applicable in the State of sale and the State where the purchaser resides. A person may borrow or rent a firearm in any State for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes.

[18 U.S.C. 922(a)(3) and (5), 922(b)(3), 27 CFR 478.29 and 478.30]

Somewhere in this transfer ( a gifting of firearms from an out-of-state owner to you) there has to be an FFL involved to make the feds happy. The long guns can be transferred to your wife by an FFL in CT (as long as it is legal in both states) or shipped to an FFL in WY for transfer to you. The handguns must go through an FFL in WY. CT may require some additional hoops to be jumped through, especially for the handguns.

The BATF FAQ I included is a condensation of the applicable law; therefor, since prosecutions are based on violations of law, not FAQs, you should read the code sections cited and determine their applicability to your specific situation. Local BATF offices may help clarify any questions that remain.

I don't think the USPS will do firearms.
USPS will ship long guns for non-FFL holders. See the Domestic Mail Manual 601.11.3 for details.


New member
easiest way is to have your wife or friend ship them to a local FFL in WY (make sure the FFL is ok with a non ffl to ffl transfer). See if you can get a bulk transfer fee instead the the normal 20-35 per gun. Then he makes you fill out the normal paperwork and pay the fee and you are on your way with the guns.

The guns can be shipped by USPS (make sure delivery confirmation or registered). The ammo can not be shipped with the guns and must go UPS or FedEx ground and can be sent directly to your address.


New member
I called a couple of gun shops that would be in her area. Both placed wanted $40/gun plus shipping and would only ship individually, that would run almost $80/gun. I am looking into having my wife send it to herself through USPS from out there.

Smitty in CT

New member
Use Fed Ex ground (you have to go to a main drop-off center) it won't cost as much and you can track the package along the way.

As long as you legally own the guns, you can ship them to yourself without using an FFL.

I live in CT and hunt out in Utah once a year, I ship the gun a week or so in advance and then I sign for it at my buddy's house in Utah when it arrives, no FFL needed. Same thing for the return trip.

Gun shops and FFL love for you to use them to ship, it's free money for them. As long as the gun is not tranferring ownership Fed Ex is the best way to go....... avoid UPS (United Package Smashers) at all costs!!


New member
Maybe this is were it becomes a technicality since her brother is giving her the guns and transfering ownership. None of the guns are probably worth more than a couple hundered dollars each.

I am not familiar with the gun laws in CT, we are still pretty free out here in WY.

Can she ship the guns out here to a FFL and the transfer take place in WY or does the transfer have to take place in CT if there needs to be a transfer of ownership in this case?

Smitty in CT

New member
All the 4473 does is track the serial # (if it even does that), if her brother doesn't have a problem keeping the guns "in his name" (if they ever were)there's still no problem (provided your wife isn't a mental case or covicted felon, or some other reason that she can't legally own a firearm). The only problem that may arise (again, highly doubtful) is if you sell the guns sometime in the future. If the guns have been in the family long enough there's probably no tracking of the serial # anyway.....Keep it in the family .... have her ship the gun to herself.

Don H

New member
The guns can be shipped by USPS
In this particular instance, the only way handguns can be shipped USPS is if there is an FFL at both ends.
11.1.2 Handguns
Pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed on the person (referred to as handguns) are nonmailable unless mailed between the parties listed in 11.1.3 and 11.1.5 after the filing of an affidavit or statement required by 11.1.4 and 11.1.6.
11.1.3 Authorized Persons
Subject to 11.1.4, handguns may be mailed by a licensed manufacturer of firearms, a licensed dealer of firearms, or an authorized agent of the federal government or the government of a state, territory, or district, only when addressed to a person in one of the following categories for use in the person's official duties:

a. Officers of the Army, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Organized Reserve Corps.

b. Officers of the National Guard or militia of a state, territory, or district.

c. Officers of the United States or of a state, territory, or district, whose official duty is to serve warrants of arrest or commitment.

d. USPS employees authorized by the Chief Postal Inspector.

e. Officers and employees of enforcement agencies of the United States.

f. Watchmen engaged in guarding the property of the United States, a state, territory, or district.

g. Purchasing agent or other designated member of agencies employing officers and employees included in 11.1.3c. through 11.1.3e.
11.1.5 Manufacturers and Dealers
Handguns may also be mailed between licensed manufacturers of firearms and licensed dealers of firearms in customary trade shipments, or for repairing or replacing parts.

Don H

New member
If the guns have been in the family long enough there's probably no tracking of the serial # anyway.....Keep it in the family .... have her ship the gun to herself.
Good idea! We're only looking at 8 federal felonies (at a minimum) - after all, what's the chance she would get caught?


New member
Don good catch. i was just about to add that as well. The handguns will have to go UPS or FEDex if shipping from the wife or brother in law to an FFL.

You are correct in stating FFL to FFL for USPS on handguns. Missed the handgun part in his original thread. Long Guns are ok USPS for anybody shipping to an FFL.


New member
As for the handguns. I was going to have her purchase affordable pistol case that can carry 4 pistols with a lock and check it in with her luggage at the airport. This is considered a check in luggage. The rifles would put her over the limit if she tried to bring them also.

I have been trying to call everyone from UPS, Fed Ex, USPS and never get a straight answer from any of them. One guy from UPS was almost appalled that I would ask such a question and would continue to ask me if these were automatic guns.


New member
Check with the local Postmaster...

About ten years ago I mailed a couple of long guns from N.H. to my residence in south Texas. They had to be unloaded and marked Firearm. I mailed them on my way to the airport and they arrived at a couple of days later. I think the Postmaster had to double check the postal laws. It worked for me.........Essex


New member
current usps laws clearly state that long guns are allowed, but the box must not be marked to reveal the contents. So, do not mark them firearms, etc.... and make sure to have at least delivery confirmation. I ship through the USPS on a weekly basis and I pay on average 16 per long gun (when shipped one at a time) with delivery confirmation.


New member
Whether you ship them or take them on the plane, you'll have to remember to hit a local FFL to have them transfered to yourself. He'll log them in, run a 4473, tehn log them out.