Firearm safety - Accidental Shooting at NC Gun Show


New member

I know many of us here visit gunshows at times. In fact I started to head over to this one today. Glad I didnt now...

Hurt in Accidental Shooting at NC Gun Show - Link:

With that said, having waited in line to get in, watched a few times while the show security checks firearms, and seen a few that turned out to be loaded actually. Yes, I know, its not common, but it got me wondering, if there was a way to improve the safety of it.

I know its similar at some gun stores as well, since a few have "No Loaded Guns Allowed" signs due to some mishaps (holes in ceiling type things).

Just wondering if there could be a better way to ensure safety at these type of events.


New member
Someone clearly wasn't thinking. The media is calling it an accidental discharge. Negligent discharge is the correct term IMO.


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I am not one who believes in conspiracy theories, but I came home tonight to check the news to see how the Guns Across America Rally went in my home state (CT) and it appears to have gone well:

After seeing this, I turn to to see how it went nationally, and I am stunned to see stories about not 1, not 2 but 3 accidental shootings at gun shows in this country today:

I can't think of the last time I heard about 1 "accidental" shooting at a gun show, let alone one day. On the same day as Guns Across America Rallys. Someting isn't right here.


New member
Whenever I hear about this happening, it always makes me sympathy to anyone hurt by such an ignorant and stupid act, and also because it's political ammo (no pun intended) for Piers Morgan, Feinstein, etc.


New member
I can't find an article to confirm it yet, but Twitter is abuzz with stories that it was law enforcement personnel responsible for three of the five NDs.


New member
Got off the phone a bit ago with a buddy who I usually meet at various gunshows in the area. The only thing we could come up with was to set up 2 seperate lines... 1 for those who arent carrying a firearm in, and a second set up to take folks who are carrying a firearm to a seperate safe area, for the firearm to be secured. Unsure if this would work at alot of the gunshows, but it is a thought.

Also for those who this is alien too. This isnt the first ND at a gunshow either. Just curious how we can make it a safer and better experience for everyone.

After all, firearm safety and restrictions on ownership is in the news as of late. Lets work on safety for all.


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New member
Given the frequency of these show across the country, and how many people go through them, it's remarkable how safe they are, and fun! I'm sure there were many more road/vehicle death due to driver stupidity yesterday as well.

That said, I do recall a friend of mine stating recently, that during the Clinton-era weapons ban, there had been at least one or two reports of antis going to shows with the sole purpose of chambering a cartridge into a weapon while no one is watching, and hopefully creating an "accident".


New member
Just wanted to pass along an up-date (yes I know this thread is old...) said:
...The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services said Tuesday visitors with guns must park in designated areas and use a separate entrance. The guns must be out of their cases with ammunition removed.

Security officers will continue to examine the guns and secure them with straps. Police will work to prevent sales in parking lots...

The most intersting part to me is that it mentions preventing sales in parking lots...

Also, it seems the Asheville show is doing similar, but is going a step more... said:
...Gun sellers will be required to park in a separate lot and enter through separate doors from gun buyers. Sellers will also be screened to make sure guns are unloaded and locked with a zip tie.

The general public will be screened by handheld metal detectors so no one slips in a concealed firearm. But even before that everyone entering the ag center grounds must go through a checkpoint to determine if they have weapons in their car...

This is the first I have heard about gunshow attendee's being screened by metal detectors in the area.


New member
It seems totally inexcusable.........
for something like that to occur just fans the anti flames

Now the gun show banning brigade shall begin :(


New member
Following the last big gun show here in Indianapolis we had someone shoot themself in the hand while reloading their .45 caliber pistol after exiting the show.
I remember the story from quite a few years ago about an Indianapolis Police Department "Firearms Expert" who shot himself in the hand with an unloaded pistol. Seems he dropped the magazine, but forgot to clear the chamber; this was back in the days when the police were still carrying revolvers and had little, or no, experience with semi-autos.