Firearm movie clips

Blackwater OPS

New member
Hey guys/gals, I'm chartering a club at the college I'm attending in Southern California, there was a great deal of interest in firearms here but very little knowlege. As it turns out I will have an opportunity to use a projector/laptop to show some things during the meeting.

So, bottom line I am looking for short video clips to show at the next meeting where we will have quite a few new members. I have no particular type in mind, but I am looking for stuff that will introduce people into the world of guns in a positive way.

Any other advice or info is also welcome.


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I'm sure they will have all kinds of visual aids. Don't try and reinvent the wheel here... at least the first time out.

But if you are doing this at a college, be prepaired for a lot of fall out from it.

Blackwater OPS

New member
I'm looking for for anti-guncontrol type clips. I thought maybe some folks would have a few, I have not had much luck looking online. Found plenty of anti-gun stuff:barf: It seems most of us would rather take time to read facts than watch clips, but clips are what I need for these firearm neophyte types.


be sure to include ole painless the handheld mini vulcan cannon that gov ventura wielded in the first predator movie....... that has got to be the most impressive piece of movie magic in screen gun history........:D :D
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