firearm laws in south america


New member
Can anyone tell me about gun laws in any of the countries south america? except argentina and brazil I already no about gun laws there.


New member
I too am curious about this, anyone know?

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


New member
What kinda crime stats though? I'm sure some countries in a state of anarchy have no laws of any kind period...

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


New member
I'm not sure what this has to do with gun laws, but i understand both Costa Rica and Belize are countries were wealthy people go to hide their money from evil, overtaxing governments. I understand that these countries are replacing the Switzerlands and the Grand Cayman Is. of the world.


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998


New member
To dangus,I've seen the homicide rates for all the south american countries and agentina,chilie,guyana,french guyana and suriname are the only countries in south america that have lower homicide rates than the u.s.Keep in mind that suriname probaly has a higher homicide rate but most crimes in a lot of the south american countries go unreported.


New member
You may want to contact the various South American consulate offices here in the US. They may be able to send you a package about "immigration" to their country that contains gun law data. I once did that for South Africa several years ago. Never went, though.