Firearm Checks


Staff Alumnus
NO... not Government checks for guns nor gun safety checks... checks... the kind you write instead of using cash. Due to a recent SNAFU by my wife we ran out of checks. She ordered more and they came in today. I grabbed the check book to write out my payment for TFL T-Shirt. Guess what is printed on the checks... Birds... Pretty Little Birdies!

I can hear it in my mind now... "Yep, I'm a Retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant. You said that H&K93 was how much? Not a problem. Will you take a (pretty little birdie) check?" :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

:mad: :mad:

Now, this got me to thinking. Who makes Firearms Checks? Checks w/AR & HK & M40s & Tactical Shotguns & 1911s, etc would be perfect but anything Pro-Firearm would be good.

I know the NRA has this type checks but I refuse to send them any $$$ until they start being Offensive (Like NSSF) instead of all the time Defensive.

So, anyone know of a company that would have such checks (though it will be awhile till I order them... my lovely wife got 600... 600 pretty little birdie checks :( )

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited April 26, 2000).]


New member
Dad Gum Gunny, Birdies are cool! Just take a fine line pen and draw a circle and cross hairs around it's little head before you use the check!

Bud Helms

Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>600 pretty little birdie checks[/quote]So, I take it these aren't man-eating, attack-fanged, fowl critters? ... :p


New member
Do what I did, Gunny. Compromise! Wife likes pretty and I like something not quite so feminine. Go with Landscapes. Especially forrest scenes with wildlife. Pretty and manly at the same time.
I had to learn the hard way. Try writing a check at the local gun shop that's got a big yellow Tweety Bird on it! :rolleyes:

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!


New member
Only 600? Heck,if your wife is anything like mine you`ll be through those in no time!



New member
Guess I don't feel so bad having all those little horses running around on mine.. :) Yep, you guessed it, the wife. Must be one of those male female things. Wives require cute little pictures on checks. Heck I don't mind, afterall I did say "for better or worse". And please don't take Nukem's advice, It's what cost me my first marrage. She could not stand to have seperate accounts. Seems hers was always empty and I would not give her any of mine.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


Staff Alumnus
Thanks for all the advise... some we have done ( landscapes, forrest scenes with wildlife, US Monuments, etc), don't want seperate accounts and have to keep the wife (she is probably the only one that would put up with me!).

Now, she is very pro-RKBA (at least this rubbed off on her) so I'm thinking something along these lines (ie Guns) would work for both of us.

I take it from everyones responses that there is no such thing out there. :( Friggen Political Correctness SUCKS!


Jon K

New member
At least their not pretty little rainbows



Staff Alumnus

Those were the ones my wife ran out of (the first link... not the second!)

Hey... Maybe Larry will do the legwork for Firearm/TFL Checks after he gets done with the T-Shirts. ;) I mean, what the hell, he already has experience on this sort of thing.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Not a bad idea...
But I'ld rather keep my sailing ships.
I dont want every Anti that handles my bills knowing I'm a gun owner.

"Your payment is 30 days past due.."
What? I payed that 45 days ago!"
"Sorry, Sir - we show Past Due..."

I dont trust these Anti's any further than I can legally throw them.


New member
Good point, George. This is also why I don't have any bumper stickers or decals on my car.

I don't want some over-emotional liberal slashing my tires or, worse yet, a criminal breaking into my car to see if I left a firearm in there.


"Is your church BATF approved?"

Oregon residents please support the Oregon Firearms Federation, our only "No compromise" gun lobby.

AF Shooter

New member
I went to that second website you listed in your post.....MY EYES....MY EYES!!!Make it stop!!!

Have you ever seen what a 5.56mm can do to a "Precious Moments" figurine? :)
It's a thing-o-beauty....Just don't tell my wife ;)

Tom Whitman
I'm with Longshot and George - plain blue checks in the checkbook, no decals, stickers or vanity plates on vehicles, et cetera.

TFL is one of few exceptions to my low profile.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...

I voted for the Neal Knox 13

I'll see you at the TFL End Of Summer Meet!