Finished my project... finally.


New member
So since I've gotten out of the Marine Corps I've been roaming around from project to project trying to keep myself entertained. I finally settled on one semi-big project that I'm getting sort of proud of.

Since my old stock Savage 111 in 7 rem mag was basically nothing but a 2 shot tops deer rifle (ridiculously small sporter barrel for heavy mag) and NC is even starting to get some coyotes now days, I decided completely redo everything but the action (and I polished it).


The bed job is with devcon 5 minute epoxy. Stuff is good if you're impatient like me and don't feel like waiting around for a day to see how good of a job you did. I didn't use quite enough epoxy and there are a couple of pinhole depressions in the bed, but I did it right around all of the real important areas. The recoil lug fits perfect against it's new mating surface now, and the bed is solid on the upper sides and around the pillars.


I probably should have mentioned this first, but that stock is a savage factory synthetic. I didn't feel like spending the money on a duramaxx or anything nice so I just took the old factory stock and slapped some bondo on it. It worked out pretty well but there are some pinholes that I could never get out, even when using acetone to thin the bondo. I worked on it about all I had the patience for and I decided to finish it off by using a textured paint to hide minute imperfections. It turned out real well and I love the feel of the paint, I did decided to not clearcoat it. If I do scratch the finish of the textured paint you don't even really need to sand it, just hit the scratch with a blast of paint. Believe me, I've already tested my theory and it works well. So instead of clear coat I just leave it as is and do 30 second repairs on the finish as needed. The forearm has been stiffened with bondo both internally and externally, I needed to make it wider for the varmint contour barrel anyway. I also used bondo on the grip. I was going for sort of a toned down mcmillan, notice the grip angle more squared to the barrel/action. I shoot alot better with this (via M40 and a mcmillan). All in all the stock feels very nice to me and only weighs a couple ounces more (I cut off some of the forearm and shortened the buttstock, so this displaces some bondo weight).

My blue job on the barrel didn't turn out perfect, but it looks decent. I used the cheap cold blue stuff from wal-mart. It works well but it's hard to apply even. If you repeat the process enough times it eventually starts to even itself out though. I can tell there are a few streaks directly under sunlight but in normal room light it looks almost perfect. Alas, there is still room for my abilities to grow. The barrel itself I ordered from ER Shaw. They have a pretty good price, they were nice to work with, and they had my barrel made and on my doorstep in about 5 weeks. The going rate for everyone else is 3 to 4 months. I chambered it in .270 win, though I know that's not a perfect cartridge but it still fits what I do fairly well. I want something to handle everything from coyotes to elk and sheep if I can ever get up there for a hunt. Anywho, I still haven't tested accuracy of the barrel so the verdict is still out there. We'll see later on today...:p


New member
NC Yotes.....

Nice looking rig. Interested also in the range report.

Not sure how things are down around your neck of the woods, but in Orange and Alamance counties coyotes are becoming a plague. I killed three last year from my deer stands, two of them with my muzzleloader. My father in law killed one with a ML and it was easily 50lbs.

Best of luck with thinning the pack down there. NC will have a serious problem on its hand soon if we (meaning hunters) don't start paring them down.


New member
Range report as follows, and mind I'm not shooting off of a bench. All shots are from the prone with bipods...

1st 8 shots at roughly 30 meters just to get on paper, though I did a redneck boresight job to get it sorta close to begin with. I didn't go for a group there except the last 4 shots, the first 4 were stringing from right to left as I sighted in. I didn't do the whole complete barrel breaking in process, but I did clean after every 3 shots and I made sure to let the barrel cool in between every 3 also. Yeah it's a varmint contour but I still believe in not stressing a barrel too much to begin with.

The 4 round group at 30 left one tattered hole, as it well should at that distance. I never even measured that group as I don't think many care to hear results from 30 meters, I know I wouldn't.

Then I backed up to approximately 150 meters just to check the old girl out real quick. I have alot to do today and a wake for a friend who died in Iraq tonight, so I had to keep it short. Fired one 3 round shot group... didn't worry about adjustments I just wanted to see how well it would group. I should take a picture to post it but I'm too lazy. At 150 meters the old girl put two rounds through almost the exact same hole. It's just barely enough to be able to tell that it's two holes and not one. The third shot I pulled a tad but not much, it opened up the total group to a hair over an inch. All in all I'm pretty darn proud of her. ER Shaw barrels... good.

One more thing, if you headspace with a piece of brass, make sure you use quality brass. I learned that one but thankfully not the hard way. I was at least smart enough to cycle 3 different kinds of (federal, winchester, remmy) ammo through it dry. Once with just the round and again with a .002 shim as the no-go. If you headspace off of brass cause you're too tight to buy the gauge like myself then use federal or winny. Remingtons' tolerance is a tad loose I think. And always, always, always check with three different kinds of ammo to account for tolerance differences.


New member
I always enjoy reading about other peoples projects.

If you get the time, take her out to 300 yards and post some pictures. I'm really curious about E.R. Shaw barrels and how well they shoot when you begin stretching it out some.


New member
It's cool when a plan comes together. Sounds like it paid off, thats a very nice group with a new bbl. (Good for you:) ) Also, sorry to hear about your friend, may GOD bless!


New member
I'm also interested in your Devcon bedding. Is it holding up? What did you use for a release agent?


New member
I've only run 11 rounds through it so I don't know about Devcon durability. I can tell you the best release agent though... Pam cooking spray with Olive oil. So much easier than wax. So much easier than anything. I do use melted candle wax to fill in any depressions in the reciever to prevent mechanical lock.

I'll get er out to 400 meters if not late tomorrow then friday morning. I'm planning on putting quiet a few rounds through her so we'll see. I'll post the results and take pictures for ya. So far I'm real happy as I'm holding under 1 moa with a brand new barrel and factory ammo. God knows what I can get when I start reloading.

The whole project was supposed to be an overall precision rifle. Deer, coyotes, even elk or rams if I can get up there, and bear. I was trying to keep it small and light enough to use as a pack rifle. It is pretty short, but I went over my 8 pound target weight by a pound and half. That is fully loaded with bipods too. My shots do reach out to 500+ sometimes, especially with the coyotes, so I wanted something that can accuratly stretch. Some were concerned that the caliber doesn't have the energy to get as long as I plan to go but a .270 still has plenty of energy at 500 meters. Not that much is needed for coyotes and I'm responsible enough to not exceed that range for deer. Far as that goes, for bear I would never reach that range, I prefer to bush hunt with a marlin .45-70 when it comes to bear. Much more exciting than waiting for the sniper shot to watch the bear still haul ass for half a mile. Not to mention he's only hauling that 300 pound ass deeper into a swamp so it will take 2 years to track and drag him out. I like a lever to bear hunt, and I like getting up close so I have a better chance of getting multiple hits. Anywho, off subject.

Ok, thanks srtrax. Ssgt William Clint Moore, was as fine a man as I've ever known. Keep praying for his family, and thanks again. Adnoc I'll post long range accuracy report, but it will be with factory ammo for a few more weeks so thats not as good as it gets obviously. Anywho thanks guys, God bless.


New member
Looks like a nice shooter. You should love that .270 once you start to reload. I smacked a magpie at 150-200 yards yesterday and some bunnies and muskrats out to 200 the day before. I think my personal best shots are a couple coyotes and a mule deer at 300 give or take.

I dont think I'll ever carry anything other than .270 into the deer fields around here. Range combined with power make it the best open country deer rifle in my eyes. It does quite nicely on coyotes as well and will have to do so until I can afford a .243.