Fine scratches on fired brass?


New member
This weekend, I put about 150 rounds through a .380 ACP Beretta 84BB "Cheetah". The gun is relatively new to me, but it was made in 1986 or so.

Looking at the fired brass, there are fine scratches around the outside of the case, starting about halfway up the case and continuing to the case mouth. It looks like what you would get if you wrapped masking tape around the bottom half of the case and then scuffed the exposed brass with a green "scrubby" or some steel wool. The scratches are parallel to the length of the case, not crosswise. I'm assuming the scratches happened when the brass expanded against the chamber wall and then was pulled out of the chamber by the action of the gun cycling.

The gun functioned flawlessly (other than one squib round), but is this a symptom of a rough chamber or some chamber deposits? I cleaned the gun before firing it, but other than a couple of passes with a bronze brush, I didn't expend any particular effort specifically on the chamber.


New member
The area your talking about is roughly where the case would be bulged a little due to the round being pushed in?

Manually cycle the same round a few times... does it get scuffed up that way too?


New member
I'll check tonight, but I think the scratches extend further down than the depth of the seated bullet. I'll also do as you suggest and cycle a cartridge through a few times by hand, as well as try to get a really good luck at the inside of the barrel. Thanks for the input!