Find the TFL Easter Egg!


New member
On off-peak work hours, or when I'm really agitated and want sick revenge, I'll add "Easter Eggs" (hidden bonuses) into some of the graphics I use. So I had this huge full-page photo for an article on rollerblading, and I decided to pay homage to TFL. It's nationwide! Find it if you can!



New member
heh... my first guess was wondering if the green/yellow and red/white boxes in the second story window by the pole in the foreground were Remington and PMC cartridge boxes. :p



New member
I did have a FAL in that window, but I chickened out and edited it.

Now that I think about it, I probably could've gotten away with "Molon Labe" on his t-shirt.

There's always next time!


Moderator Emeritus

I love well-executed guerrilla psywar... ;)

Suddenly, rollerbladers nationwide are experiencing a subconscious desire to join the RKBA fight.

Mal H

Kaylee - that does look like a double stack of Rem .22 bricks. Nice catch.

ROTL - that was too easy, took about .75 seconds. In the immortal words of the baby on "Dinosaur" - "Again!"


New member
Slightly OT question

Always have wondered what those red lozenge-like things in the TFL logo were suposed to be... :confused:

- pdmoderator


New member

Where was that photo taken? Can't be Nashville!?
Taiwan? The Watsons store hints HK, but cars are parked on right side of street. Can't be Singapore, kid'd be caned for rollerblading...

Chuck Dye

New member
Runt of the Litter: Only one? Too easy!


A ventilated rib? Maybe not: hard to explain the vertical striping on the left. While at it, what's with the "under the magnifier" effect? No reticle, red dot, nada...


New member
I have no idea where the photo was taken.

I didn't want to get too carried away with the photo - I want to "leave" my employment on *my* own terms!

I can picture my next prospective employer during an interview, "So why were you fired?"

"I added a sniper on a rooftop in a photo."


New member
"I added a sniper on a rooftop in a photo."

That would be soo cool. You'd probably have to do it on a distant building so it didn't stand out at all. To the point where it probably looked like something else.
I'm thinking it's Hong Kong.

BTW, isn't using a sniper a bit overkill for rollerbladers? Wouldn't a cite and sending them home in their socks work?


New member
I was looking for something gun-related; took a few seconds to see the English on the banner.

FWIW, I used to do "Easter Eggs" too, when I worked for a catalog studio. Shooting something highly reflective? Stand close enough so that you're barely visible in the reflection and wave "hi." Gotta do something to cut through the boredom.


New member
Looks like Hot Kong to me...lots of one way streets there, so cars are parked on the right side of the street all the time :D


New member
I'm surprised

that no one noticed the red and yellow sign that says:
"PLEASE HELP STAMP OUT GUNS....US Senator Feinstein" in Mandarin.
