Finally took out the chrono for my new 357 loads


New member
I decided to use the chrono I got on my new 357 mag loads today. I pushed them to edge a bit.

How bout 1502 fps out of a 4" barrel and 125 XTPs? :cool:

Black Hills factory: 1260 fps.

I've officially moved my 686 ahead of my 1911 as my favorite handgun. I just started reloading 357 recently and have found it to be one of those calibers that you really need to handload to get the most out of it. This thing has turned into one nasty handfull and I LOVE it! I'm reminded of Tim "the toolman" Taylor with this load. There can't be a nickels worth of difference between the recoil of this and my 629.


New member
CAUTION: The following post includes loading data beyond currently published maximums for this cartridge. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Neither the writer, The Firing Line, nor the staff of TFL assume any liability for any damage or injury resulting from use of this information.

This NOT over max in Lyman 48, but it IS in some other manuals.

125 gr Hornady XTP
22.0 gr H110
CCI 550 primer

As with any hot load, work your way up. I started at 20.0 grs and worked up. Accuracy was better @ 20.0 grs, but 22's good enough to hit something with and much more fun. Sounds like the end of the friggin world. lol

stump shooter

New member
I worked up that same load in my 4" GP100 and talk about a flame thrower!!!:eek:

I won't go any lighter than 158 JHPs with the H110 anymore. It still throws some flame, but nothing like the 125 loads.

I'm going to try 2400 next time with the 125s.;)
16.7 grns of H110 with 160 grn GC SWC threw a pretty good flame outta my Blackhawk. The concussion was quite impressive,too. I can't help it, I am a recoil junkie... :D


New member
I worked up that same load in my 4" GP100 and talk about a flame thrower!!!

I'm either gonna get a GP100 or a model 27 to shoot with, preferably with a 6 or 8 inch barrel. I like my 686 too much to shoot very many of these bad boys out of it!

How long was the flame comin out of the muzzle? (This is a rhetorical question.)

Call me childish, but that ball of fire is d***** impressive!
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Lost Sheep

New member
What about erosion?

I have been told (and seen quoted from their owner's manual-but don't remember the thread, but it was on TFL for sure) that Smith & Wesson specifically recommends against lightweight bullets with heavy loads being fired out of at least some of their guns because of excessive wear of the throats and/or the forcing cones. It might have been specifically for their lightweight (titanium?) revolvers, but I imagine 125 grain bullets at 1500 fps (and the testimony about huge spouts of flame) make me think that keeping an eye on the dimensions of your chamber throats and forcing cone might be worthwhile. Maybe measure them now and after 500 rounds to see if they are opening up or losing metal through erosion or flame cutting.

Throwing 125 grain pills at 1500+ fps does sound like a hoot! Is that heavy enough for wild pig in your area?

Lost Sheep


New member
It is my understanding that the K frame was redesigned into the L frame because of these type of 125 gn loads. Caused extreme gas cutting and fractures through the frame below the barrel where the frame was very thin.

The second problem has been "solved" with the beefier frame but 22gn of H110/296 can't be good in the long term.

Restricting its use for fun and show is fine but for regular use the 158 gn projectile seems to be recommended by a lot of people with more expertise than me.
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New member
I haven't shot H110 out of my GP100 in a couple of months- maybe it's time to work up a few loads and see if I can get to 22.0 grains pushing a 125 JHP. I tried 21.2 grains with no problem.

I'll have to look for the H110 fireball 'cause I don't recall them being any greater than my 17.0-grain to 17.3-grain loads of 2400 with same bullet... I do remember the report from the gun, though. LOUD.


New member
Throwing 125 grain pills at 1500+ fps does sound like a hoot! Is that heavy enough for wild pig in your area?

Oh yeah. I'd rather use 158 gr bullets on hogs, but no doubt these loads would work. A bunch of the dog hunters around here carry 22s and 22 mags. I know one guy who prefers subsonic 22. Of course, they usually knife them rather than shoot them.

The second problem has been "solved" with the beefier frame but 22gn of H110/296 can't be good in the long term.

Restricting its use for fun and show is fine but for regular use the 158 gn projectile seems to be recommended by a lot of people with more expertise than me.

That's why I want to get an N frame. The L frame is tough, but it can't be good for it long term.


New member
If I could only have one powder on my bench it would be H110. Or perhaps H4227.

I'd be hard pressed to give up either one! Supposedly, W296 is the exact same thing as H110 nowadays. I know they smell the same. I'm gonna try some of these loads. My GP100 can take em, and I love hot loads once in a while. What is your COL? BTW, 4227 is great in the 460XVR! Try it.